Flight Instructor Lesson Plans
CFI Lesson Plans are guides for use by flight instructors and applicants alike to achieve a desired certification or rating.
- Certified Flight Instructor/Instrument (CFI/I) Lesson Plans are guides for use by flight instructors and applicants alike to achieve a desired certification or rating
- Instructing starts by understanding the fundamentals of instructing
- Lessons are separated by the type of license, rating, and the type of aircraft operation:
Fundamentals of Instructing
The Fundamentals of instructing chapter prepares instructors for their role as teacher, mentor, and coach, including:
Possible Test Outcomes
- There are three possible outcomes of the practical test:
- If the evaluator determines that a Task is incomplete, or the outcome is uncertain, the evaluator must require the applicant to repeat that Task, or portions of that Task.
- This provision does not mean that instruction, practice, or the repetition of an unsatisfactory Task is permitted during the practical test
Satisfactory Performance:
- Refer to 14 CFR part 61, section 61.43, for satisfactory performance requirements for Private Pilot Airplane
- Satisfactory performance will result in the issuance of a temporary certificate
Unsatisfactory Performance:
- If, in the judgment of the evaluator, the applicant does not meet the standards for any Task, the applicant fails the Task and associated Area of Operation and the evaluator issues a Notice of Disapproval of Application.
- The evaluator lists the Area(s) of Operation in which the applicant did not meet the standard, any Area(s) of Operation not tested, and the number of practical test failures
- The evaluator should also list the Tasks failed or Tasks not tested within any unsatisfactory or partially completed Area(s) of Operation
- 14 CFR part 61, section 61.43(c)-(f) provides additional unsatisfactory performance requirements and parameters
- Typical areas of unsatisfactory performance and grounds for disqualification include:
- Any action or lack of action by the applicant that requires corrective intervention by the evaluator to maintain safe flight
- Failure to use proper and effective visual scanning techniques to clear the area before and while performing maneuvers
- Consistently exceeding tolerances stated in the skill elements of the Task
- Failure to take prompt corrective action when tolerances are exceeded
- Failure to exercise risk management
- The evaluator or the applicant may end the test if the applicant fails a Task.
- The evaluator may continue the test only with the consent of the applicant. The applicant receives credit only for those Areas of Operation and the associated Tasks performed satisfactorily
- If, in the judgment of the evaluator, the applicant does not meet the standards for any Task, the applicant fails the Task and associated Area of Operation and the evaluator issues a Notice of Disapproval of Application.
Letter of Discontinuance:
- Refer to 14 CFR part 61, section 61.43(e)(2) for conditions to issue a letter of discontinuance for Private Pilot Airplane.
- If discontinuing a practical test for reasons other than unsatisfactory performance (e.g., equipment failure, weather, illness), the evaluator must return all test paperwork to the applicant.
- The evaluator must prepare, sign, and issue a Letter of Discontinuance that lists those Areas of Operation the applicant successfully completed and the time period remaining to complete the test to receive credit for previously completed Areas of Operation.
- The evaluator should advise the applicant to present the Letter of Discontinuance to the evaluator when the practical test resumes to receive credit for the items successfully completed.
- The Letter of Discontinuance becomes part of the applicant's certification file.
- Refer to 14 CFR part 61, sections 61.39(f) and 61.43(f) after issuance of a Letter of Discontinuance or Notice of Disapproval of Application.
Private Pilot (Airplane) Lesson Plans
Private pilot (airplane) lesson plans review all topics and standards necessary to meet Federal Aviation Administration requirements, including:
Preflight Preparation:
Preflight Procedures:
Airport and Seaplane Base Operations:
Takeoffs, Landing and Go-Arounds:
Task A. Normal Takeoff and Climb. - Related: Crosswind Takeoff and Climb
Task B. Normal Approach and Landing. - Related: Crosswind Approach and Landing
Task C. Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb (ASEL). -
Task D. Soft-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL). -
Task E. Short-Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb (ASEL, AMEL). -
Task F. Short-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL, AMEL). -
Task G. Confined Area Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb (ASES, AMES). -
Task H. Confined Area Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES). -
Task I. Glassy Water Takeoff and Climb (ASES, AMES) -
Task J. Glassy Water Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES). -
Task K. Rough Water Takeoff and Climb (ASES, AMES). -
Task L. Rough Water Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES). -
Task M. Forward Slip to a Landing (ASEL, ASES). -
Task N. Go-Around/Rejected Landing.
Performance and Ground Reference Maneuvers:
Slow Flight and Stalls:
Basic Instrument Maneuvers:
Emergency Operations:
Task A. Emergency Descent. -
Task B. Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) (ASEL, ASES). -
Task C. Systems and Equipment Malfunction. -
Task D. Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear. -
Task E. Engine Failure During Takeoff Before VMC (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES). -
Task F. Engine Failure After Lift-Off (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES). -
Task G. Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES).
Multiengine Operations:
Task A. Maneuvering with One Engine Inoperative (AMEL, AMES). -
Task B. VMC Demonstration (AMEL, AMES). -
One Engine Inoperative (Simulated) (solely by Reference to Instruments) During Straight-and-Level Flight and Turns (AMEL, AMES). -
Task D. Instrument Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated) (by reference to instruments) (AMEL, AMES).
Night Operations:
Postflight Procedures:
Instrument Rating Lesson Plans
Instrument rating lesson plans review all topics and standards necessary to meet Federal Aviation Administration requirements, including:
Preflight Preparation:
Preflight Procedures:
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Clearances and Procedures:
Flight by Reference to Instruments:
Instrument Approach Procedures:
Emergency Operations:
Postflight Procedures:
Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Lesson Plans
Commercial pilot (airplane) lesson plans review all topics and standards necessary to meet Federal Aviation Administration requirements, including:
Preflight Preparation:
Preflight Procedures:
Airport and Seaplane Base Operations:
Performance Maneuvers & Ground Reference Maneuvers:
Takeoffs, Landings and Go-Arounds:
Task A. Normal Takeoff and Climb. -
Task B. Normal Approach and Landing. -
Task C. Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb (ASEL). -
Task D. Soft-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL). -
Task E. Short-Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb (ASEL, AMEL). -
Task F. Short-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL, AMEL). -
Task G. Confined Area Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb (ASES, AMES). -
Task H. Confined Area Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES). -
Task I. Glassy Water Takeoff and Climb (ASES, AMES). -
Task J. Glassy Water Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES). -
Task K. Rough Water Takeoff and Climb (ASES, AMES). -
Task L. Rough Water Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES). -
Task M. Power-Off 180° Accuracy Approach and Landing (ASEL, ASES). -
Task N. Go-Around/Rejected Landing.
Performance Maneuvers & Ground Reference Maneuvers:
Slow Flight and Stalls:
High-Altitude Operations:
Emergency Operations:
Task A. Emergency Descent. -
Task B. Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) (ASEL, ASES). -
Task C. Systems and Equipment Malfunctions. -
Task D. Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear. -
Task E. Engine Failure During Takeoff Before VMC (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES). -
Task F. Engine Failure After Lift-Off (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES). -
Task G. Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES).
Multiengine Operations:
Task A. Maneuvering with One Engine Inoperative (AMEL, AMES). -
Task B. VMC Demonstration (AMEL, AMES). -
Task C. One Engine Inoperative (Simulated) (solely by Reference to Instruments) During Straight-and-Level Flight and Turns (AMEL, AMES) Airman Certification Standards. -
Task D. Instrument Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated) (by reference to instruments) (AMEL, AMES).
Postflight Procedures:
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Lesson Plans
Small unmanned aircraft systems lesson plans review all topics and standards necessary to meet Federal Aviation Administration requirements, including:
Airspace Classification and Operating Requirements:
Loading and Performance:
- Hard copies of the ACS and Oral Exam Guides are available on Amazon.
- Digital copies of the ACS are available on the FAA's website.
- The FAA provides test-taking guidance and test guides on its website.
- To learn more about earning the practical test, visit the checkride page.