- Various conditions and events in life set conditions, or barriers, to effective learning
- Physical:
- Food, rest, and protection from the elements
- A hungry or tired student cannot be able to perform as expected
- Safety:
- Protection against danger, threads deprivation
- Social:
- To belong, associate as well as give and receive friendship and love
- Ego:
- Self-concept: how one pictures oneself
- Most powerful determinant in learning
- Self-esteem
- Self-confidence
- Self-Fulfillment:
- Realizing one's own potential for continued development
- Defense against reality of unpleasant situations
- Alleviate symptoms, not causes
- May be conscious and/or unconscious
- Disguise the presence of a problem by emphasizing a positive event
- Blame shortcomings on others
- Blaming an instructor for being too unfair
- Refuse to acknowledge disagreeable realities
- Escape frustration by physical or mental flight
- Get upset
- Ask irrelevant questions
- Refuse to participate in class activities, or
- Disrupt activities
- Substitute excuses for reasons
- May no longer believe it profitable or possible to work further
- Occurs when student doesn't grasp fundamentals of earlier lessons
- Instructors must present the necessary preliminary training step at a time with clearly stated goals for each step
- Overconfidence soon results in faulty performance
- Raise standard of performance for each lesson demanding greater effort
- Normal individuals react exactly and automatically to training emergencies
- Sweat
- Increased heart rate
- Blood pressure increase
- Voice
- Extreme over cooperation, painstaking self-control, inappropriate laughter or singing, and rapid changes in emotion
- Changes in mood
- Severe anger
- Anxiety is brought on by stressful situations
- Anxiety counters:
- Treating fear as normal
- Reinforcing student enjoyment
- Teaching students to cope with fear