Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Lesson Plans


  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems lessons develop prospective pilots to conduct remote operations in preparation for personal or business use
  • Hard copies of the ACS and Oral Exam Guides can be purchased at: Amazon
  • Digital copies of the ACS are available on the FAA's website.
  • The FAA provides test-taking guidance and test guides on its website.

Airman Certification Standards Concept:

  • The goal of the airman certification process is to ensure the applicant possesses knowledge consistent with the privileges of the Remote Pilot Certificate with a small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) rating, as well as the ability to manage the risks of flight to act as a remote pilot-in-command (PIC)
  • In fulfilling its responsibilities for the airman certification process, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards Service (AFS) plans, develops, and maintains materials related to airman certification testing. These materials include several components. The FAA knowledge test measures mastery of the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) parts 89 and 107. Other materials, such as airman knowledge testing supplements in the FAACT-8080 series and FAA online training, provide guidance to applicants on aeronautical knowledge and risk management
  • The FAA recognizes that safe operations in today's complex National Airspace System (NAS) require a more systematic integration of aeronautical knowledge and risk management. The FAA further recognizes the need to more clearly calibrate knowledge and risk management to the level of the Remote Pilot Certificate with an sUAS rating
  • The ACS integrates the elements of knowledge and risk management in 14 CFR parts 89 and 107 for a Remote Pilot Certificate with an sUAS rating. It thus forms the comprehensive standard for what an applicant knows and considers to successfully complete each Task tested on the knowledge test
  • In keeping with this integrated and systematic approach, the knowledge Task elements of each Task identify what the applicant should know and understand for sUAS operations conducted under 14 CFR parts 89 and 107. The applicant demonstrates this understanding by passing the knowledge test

Using the ACS:

  • This Remote Pilot ACS includes Areas of Operation and Tasks for the issuance of a Remote Pilot Certificate with an sUAS rating in accordance with 14 CFR part 107, section 107.65
  • Element codes in the ACS divide into four components. For example: "UA.I.B.K10"
    • UA = ACS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems)
    • I = Area of Operation (Regulations)
    • B = Task (Operating Rules)
    • K10 = Knowledge Element (Visual line of sight (VLOS) aircraft operations)
  • At the conclusion of a knowledge test, an applicant is given their Knowledge Test Report (KTR). The KTR lists the applicant's name, date of the test, the type of test, a unique test identification number, the score and ACS Codes for questions that were answered incorrectly. The printed ACS Codes guides the applicant to the area(s) that were found to be deficient in the test. The codes are found in this Airman Certification Standards document
  • The FAA encourages applicants to use this ACS as a reference while preparing for the certification airman knowledge test. The FAA revises this ACS as circumstances require
  • For those applicants who do not pass the knowledge test for certification, remedial instruction and an endorsement from aninstructor is not required for retesting. See Appendix 1: Certification Knowledge Tests, Eligibility, and Testing Centers for details on passing the Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) certification airman knowledge test

Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Lesson Plans:

  1. Regulations:

  2. Airspace Classification and Operating Requirements:

  3. Weather:

  4. Loading and Performance:

  5. Operations:


  • To learn more about earning your instrument rating, visit the checkride page.
