Emergency Equipment


Emergency Equipment

  • See/Rescue Streamer
  • Each item must be inspected in accordance with 91.409 to ensure its continued serviceability and immediate readiness for its intended purpose
  • Must be readily accessible to the crew
  • Must clearly indicate its method of operation
  • When carried in a compartment or container, must have that compartment or container marked as to its contents and last date of inspection
  • Hand fire extinguishers must be provided for use by the crew, passenger, and cargo compartments in accordance with:
    • Type and quantity must be suitable for the kinds of fires that may occur
    • Must be properly secured so as not to interfere with safe operation of the aircraft but still identified and accessible
    • At least one extinguisher must be on or near the flight deck
    • At least one extinguisher must be located in the passenger compartment:
      • 1 for every 6-30 passengers
      • 2 for 30+ passengers
    • See also, InFO 18013
  • First aid kids for treatment of injuries likely to occur in flight
  • Crash axe if more than 19 passengers
  • Each passenger-carrying airplane must have a portable battery-powered megaphone readily accessible to the crew to direct evacuation:
    • 1 for airplanes with a seating capacity of 60-99 generally installed in the most rearward location
    • 2 for airplanes with a seating capacity of 100 or more, installed in the most forward and rearward location
  • Alaska State Statute 02.35.110. Emergency Rations and Equipment
    Alaska State Statute 02.35.110. Emergency Rations and Equipment
  • Alaska State Statute 02.35.110. Emergency Rations and Equipment
    Alaska State Statute 02.35.110. Emergency Rations and Equipment

Emergency Locator Transmitter:

  • Emit a distinctive audio tone on 121.5 MHz (VHF) and 243.0 MHz (UHF)
  • ELTs operate continuously for at least 48 hours over a wide range of temperatures
  • ELT batteries must be replaced or recharged if the battery is rechargeable one-half of its useful life or if used for more than one cumulative hour
  • ELTs may be tested 5 min after the hour
  • Must be in accordance with FAR 91.207 / AIM 6-2-5
  • Find more on the emergency locator transmitter page
  • Personal Locator Beacon
    Amazon, Personal Locator Beacon

Factors to Consider:

  • Type of terrain or surface
  • Type of climate and temperature conditions expected
  • Type of emergency communications needed
  • Location in the airplane
  • How to operate or use

Basic Survival Gear:

Flotation Gear:

Signaling Devices:

  • Signaling devices [Amazon] are required for VFR flight over water but can be equally as important if you ever become stranded in a remote area on land
  • Signaling Mirror
    Amazon, Signaling Mirror
  • Flare Gun
    Amazon, Flare Gun

Winter Considerations:

  • Wear or have available layers of clothing
  • Wear or have available boots or wet resistant footwear
  • Continue to hydrate, even if not sweating
  • Have blankets or tarps that can be used to create shelters or limit exposure from elements
  • Things to Remember:

    • More than one emergency at once can and has happened
    • Filing a flight plan causes SAR after you have failed to arrive at your destination and no contact has been established
    • Be sure the ELT has activated as it may not active from the crash
    • Use parts from the aircraft for survival gear
    • Common sense, "You are the most important survival tool on board"
    • Extended over water operations (135.167)
    • Survival Equipment (AIM 6-2-7h)
    • Last but not least, be creative
      • You may not think you have much, but you brought a ~2,000-pound suitcase
      • Use what you must, seats, fuel, compass, radio, your maps

    Emergency Equipment Preflight Briefing:

    • Brief passengers on all emergency equipment present and how to use it

    Private Pilot - Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear Airman Certification Standards:

    • Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with emergency equipment, and survival gear appropriate to the airplane and environment encountered during flight
    • Note: See Appendix 3: Aircraft, Equipment, and Operational Requirements & Limitations for information related to this Task
    • References: FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-25; POH/AFM

    Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear Knowledge:

    The applicant demonstrates understanding of:

    Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear Risk Management:

    The applicant is able to identify, assess, and mitigate risk associated with:
    • PA.IX.D.R1:

      Survival gear (water, clothing, shelter) for 48 to 72 hours
    • PA.IX.D.R2:

      Use of a ballistic parachute system
    • PA.IX.D.R3:

      Use of an emergency auto-land system, if installed

    Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear Skills:

    The applicant exhibits the skill to:


    • According to the National Search and Rescue Plan, "The life expectancy of an injured survivor decreases as much as 80% during the first 24 hours, while the chances of survival of uninjured survivors rapidly diminish after the first 3 days"
    • An Air Force Review of 325 SAR missions conducted during a 23-month period revealed that "Time works against people who experience distress but are not on a flight plan, since 36 hours normally pass before family concern initiates an (alert)"
    • Consider the type of flying you are doing and think about investing in a Aviation Crash Kit [Amazon], just in case
    • Check out AOPA's Survive: Beyond the Forced Landing course for more information
    • Although not emergency equipment, pilots should consider wearing closed-toed shoes, long pants, sleeved shirts with conventional fabrics, and carrying a jacket or sweatshirt when appropriate - considering overnight temperatures - to protect the pilot in the event of a ditch
    • Consider reviewing the AOPA's Survival Safety Resources
    • Still looking for something? Continue searching:
