- Advisory Circulars (ACs) provide a single, uniform, agency-wide system that the FAA uses to deliver advisory (non-regulatory) material to the aviation community
- Can be found on the FAA's website at http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/
- ACs can be ordered through the Department of Transportation (DOT)
- Provide an acceptable, clearly understood method for complying with a regulation
- Standardize implementation of a regulation or harmonize implementation for the international aviation community
- Resolve a general misunderstanding of a regulation
- Respond to a request from some government entity, such as General Accounting Office, NTSB, or the Office of the Inspector General
- Help the industry and FAA effectively implement a regulation
- Explain requirements and limits of an FAA grant program
- Expand on standards needed to promote aviation safety, including the safe operation of airports
- Purpose
- Cancellation
- Related Reading Material
- The remaining of the circular will discuss information about the subject matter
- Provide an acceptable, clearly understood method for complying with a regulation
- Standardize implementation of a regulation or harmonize implementation for the international aviation community
- Resolve a general misunderstanding of a regulation
- Respond to a request from some government entity, such as General Accounting Office, NTSB, or the Office of the Inspector General
- Help the industry and FAA effectively implement a regulation
- Explain requirements and limits of an FAA grant program
- Expand on standards needed to promote aviation safety, including the safe operation of airports
- Advisory Circulars are sometimes first published as drafts, open to public comment
- You can find these drafts by visiting: https://www.faa.gov/aircraft/draft_docs/afs_ac/
- You may subscribe to the Flight Standards Service to receive updates
- The FAA issues Advisory Circulars (ACs) to inform the aviation public in a systematic way of non-regulatory material
- Unless incorporated into a regulation by reference, the contents of an advisory circular are not binding on the public
- Advisory Circulars are issued in a numbered subject system corresponding to the subject areas of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) (Title 14, Chapter 1, FAA)
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