The registration certificate therefore is a certificate validating the aircraft's registration with the FAA, a required document as per Federal Aviation Regulations
Is carrying aboard the temporary authorization required FAR 47.31(c); or
Is an aircraft of the Armed Forces of the United States
Furthermore, the registration certificate (original, not a copy) is one of the required documents that must be carried aboard an aircraft in order for it to be considered airworthy
A U.S. government unit or subdivision (States, District of Colombia, Puerto Rico, a territory, or possession of the U.S.); or,
A non-citizen corporation lawfully organized and doing business under the laws of the U.S. or one of the States as long as the aircraft is based and primarily used in the U.S. (60% of all flight hours must be flown from flights starting and ending within the U.S.)
Failure to meet any of the above requirements will invalidate the registration
Registration Certificate Issuance:
Initial Registration:
Registering an aircraft for the first time requires the following be sent to the Aircraft Registration Branch:
Each application, request, notification, or other communication sent to the FAA under this Part must be mailed to the Registry:
Department of Transportation, Post Office Box 25504, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125-0504, or delivered to the Registry at 6425 S. Denning Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73169
If you use a P.O. Box as a mailing address, you must also provide your street or physical location on the application
Your application for aircraft registration must include the typed or printed name of each applicant with their signature in the signature block
An aircraft is registered on the date the Registry determines that the submissions meet the requirements
The FAA will return any applications that do not include the printed or typed name of the signer
Aircraft will be assigned a registration number
The effective date of registration is shown by a date stamp on the Aircraft Registration Application, AC Form 8050-1, and as the date of issue on the Certificate of Aircraft Registration, AC Form 8050-3
Registration certificates (AC Form 8050-3) expire every 3 years after an aircraft was registered, last renewed, or when any of the following occur:
The aircraft is registered under the laws of a foreign country
Surrendered to the FAA (revocation, cancellation)
The aircraft is totally destroyed or scrapped
The holder of the certificate loses their U.S. Citizenship
30 days have elapsed since the death of the holder of the certificate
Ownership is transferred
The owner, if an individual who is not a citizen of the U.S., loses status as a resident alien, unless that person becomes a citizen of the U.S. at the same time
Discontinuance of business within the U.S. for any reason
The aircraft is no longer primarily based in the U.S.
Loses U.S. citizenship;
Loses status as a resident alien and does not become a citizen of the United States at the same time; or
In any manner ceases to act as trustee and is not immediately replaced by another who meets the requirements of Sec. 47.7(c)
Dealer Aircraft Registration:
A Dealer's Aircraft Registration Certificate, AC Form 8050-6, expires 1 year after the date it is issued
Each additional certificate expires on the date the original certificate expires or when:
Name change
Change of address
A change that affects status as a citizen of the United States; or
The discontinuance of business
Change of Status:
The owner must notify the FAA if:
Name change
Change of address (See FAR 47.45 for change of address procedures)
Renewal instructions can be found on the FAA's website with deadlines listed under Federal Aviation Regulation 47.41
Registration Certificate Replacement:
If the original Certificate of Aircraft Registration, AC Form 8050-3, is lost, stolen, or mutilated, the registered owner may submit to the Registry a written request that states the reason a replacement certificate is needed and the fee required by FAR 47.17
The Registry will send a replacement certificate to the registered owner's mailing address or to another mailing address if requested in writing by the registered owner
The registered owner may request a temporary Certificate of Aircraft Registration pending receipt of a replacement certificate
The Registry issues a temporary Certificate of Aircraft Registration in the form of a fax that must be carried in the aircraft until receipt of the replacement certificate
UAS Registration:
A person operating a civil small unmanned aircraft system (weighing above 0.55 grams) for purposes of flight must comply with the provisions of 91.203(a)(2) of this chapter
FAR 91.203(a)(2) states: "An effective U.S. registration certificate issued to its owner or, for operation within the United States, the second copy of the Aircraft registration Application as provided for in 47.31(c), a Certificate of Aircraft registration as provided in part 48, or a registration certification issued under the laws of a foreign country"
A UAS registration certificate is therefore required
Nearly all UAS flown in the NAS are required to be registered in the FAA aircraft registration database
UAS weighing 55 pounds MGOW or more must be registered under 14 CFR Part 47, Aircraft Registration, detailed above
UAS less than 55 pounds may be registered under the FAA's newer 14 CFR Part 48 online system:
Part 47 UAS Registration:
For those UAS, which do not meet the weight stipulations for registration under 14 CFR Part 48, registration is accomplished under Part 47
Additional information on registering UAS under part 47 can be found at:
Part 47 registration will result in an "N"-number like those assigned to manned aircraft
Part 48 UAS Registration:
For most operators of sUAS (those UAS weighing less than 55 pounds MGOW), registration under 14 CFR Part 48, Registration and Marking Requirements for Small UA, will be most expedient and the least expensive
14 CFR Part 48 registrants are those UAS flyers operating under either of the following statutes:
Part 107: Under the provisions of Part 107, all UAS must be registered regardless of weight. Operations under Part 107 are generally those involving commerce, but can be for recreation as well
Recreational Flyers: UAS that are flown exclusively for recreational purposes must be registered if they weigh 0.55 pounds (250 grams) or more
If you are not sure what kind of a drone flyer you are, refer to the FAA's User Identification Tool at:, or visit the FAA Getting Started webpage at:
Registrations cannot be transferred between 14 CFR Part 107 UAS and 49 USC 44809 UAS
How to Register a UAS Under Part 48:
To register a UAS online under Part 48, refer to the FAA's DroneZone website. When registering a UAS online under Part 48, you will need to select registration in either Part 107 or the exception for recreational flyers
Registration fees for Part 107 registration are per sUAS, and the registration is valid for three years. Each Part 107 registered sUAS will receive a different number. Recreational flyer registration fees are per UAS and valid for three years, but the same registration number can be applied to any UAS in the registrant's ownership. The recreational flyer will receive one registration number that can be used for all UAS flown by that person. In order to register, a person must be 13 years of age or older and be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident. If the owner is less than 13 years of age, another person 13 years of age or older must register the UAS and that person must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident
An FAA registration certificate will be issued after UAS registration. The registration certificate (either paper copy or digital copy) must be available for inspection during all flight operations. If an individual other than the registered owner operates a UAS, the registration certificate (either paper copy or digital copy) must also be available for inspection during all flight operations. Federal law requires registered UAS operators, if asked, to show their certificate of registration to any federal, state, or local law enforcement officer. Failure to register a UAS that requires registration may result in regulatory and criminal penalties. The FAA may assess civil penalties up to $27,500. NOTE-The FAA's DroneZone website may be viewed at:
Labeling a UAS with a registration number:
All UAS requiring registration must be marked with a registration number before being flown. The UAS registration number can be applied to the aircraft by engraving, a permanent label, or written on with a permanent marker
Owners must then label all model aircraft with their assigned registration number on the exterior of their aircraft so that the registration can be clearly seen and read from a reasonable distance
The procedures for aircraft registration and issuance of registration numbers are contained in 14 CFR part 47, Aircraft Registration (part 47)
Keep in mind however, that registration of an aircraft is NOT a function of airworthiness certification but rather a prerequisite for issuance
Rather, the FAA must ensure that an aircraft presented for airworthiness certification is properly registered
Specific instructions on how to register an aircraft can be found on the FAA's Aircraft Registry page
In the United States, the registration number is often referred to as the N-Number given the letter "N" which precedes the alphanumeric registration identifier