Commercial Pilot (Airplane)
Engine Failure After Liftoff (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES)
Lesson Plan


  • Objective: To determine whether the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with engine failure after liftoff
  • Note: See Appendix 2: Safety of Flight and Appendix 3: Aircraft, Equipment, and Operational Requirements & Limitations for information related to this Task
  • References: FAA-H-8083-2 (Risk Management Handbook), FAA-H-8083-3 (Airplane Flying Handbook), FAA-H-8083-25 (Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge); FAA-P-8740-66; POH/AFM


  • Research a mishap case study:
    • Case studies
  • Discuss how the initial conditions developed into an incident/accident/mishap
  • Relate similar personal experiences of the same type of incident/accident/mishap



Engine Failure After Liftoff (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES):
Review (quiz):
Case Studies:
Total Ground Time:

Required Materials:

  • Student Jacket, Paper & Pen or Marker & Whiteboard

Instructor Actions:

Student Actions:

Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Engine Failure After Liftoff (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES) Airman Certification Standards:

  • Objective: To determine whether the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with engine failure after liftoff
  • Note: See Appendix 2: Safety of Flight and Appendix 3: Aircraft, Equipment, and Operational Requirements & Limitations for information related to this Task
  • References: FAA-H-8083-2 (Risk Management Handbook), FAA-H-8083-3 (Airplane Flying Handbook), FAA-H-8083-25 (Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge); FAA-P-8740-66; POH/AFM

Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Engine Failure After Liftoff (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES) Knowledge:

The applicant demonstrates an understanding of:
  • CA.IX.F.K1:

    Factors affecting minimum controllable speed VMC.
  • CA.IX.F.K2:

    VMC (red line), VYSE (blue line), and safe single-engine speed (VSSE).
  • CA.IX.F.K3:

    Accelerate/stop and accelerate/go distances.
  • CA.IX.F.K4:

    How to identify, verify, feather, and secure an inoperative engine.
  • CA.IX.F.K5:

    Importance of drag reduction, including propeller feathering, gear and flap retraction, the manufacturer’s recommended control input and its relation to zero sideslip.
  • CA.IX.F.K6:

    Simulated propeller feathering and the evaluator’s zero-thrust procedures and responsibilities.

Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Engine Failure After Liftoff (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES) Risk Management:

The applicant is able to identify, assess, and mitigate risk associated with:
  • CA.IX.F.R1:

    Potential engine failure after lift-off.
  • CA.IX.F.R2:

    Collision hazards.
  • CA.IX.F.R3:

    Configuring the airplane.
  • CA.IX.F.R4:

    Low altitude maneuvering, including stall, spin, or controlled flight into terrain (CFIT).
  • CA.IX.F.R5:

    Distractions, task prioritization, loss of situational awareness, or disorientation.

Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Engine Failure After Liftoff (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES) Skills:

The applicant exhibits the skills to:
  • CA.IX.F.S1:

    Promptly recognize an engine failure, maintain control, and use appropriate emergency procedures.
  • CA.IX.F.S2:

    Establish VYSE; if obstructions are present, establish best single-engine angle of climb speed (VXSE) or VMC +5 knots, whichever is greater, until obstructions are cleared. Then transition to VYSE.
  • CA.IX.F.S3:

    Reduce drag by retracting landing gear and flaps in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidance.
  • CA.IX.F.S4:

    Simulate feathering the propeller on the inoperative engine (evaluator should then establish zero thrust on the inoperative engine).
  • CA.IX.F.S6:

    Monitor the operating engine and aircraft systems and make adjustments as necessary.
  • CA.IX.F.S7:

    Recognize the airplane’s performance capabilities. If a climb is not possible at VYSE, maintain VYSE and return to the departure airport for landing, or initiate an approach to the most suitable landing area available.
  • CA.IX.F.S8:

    Simulate securing the inoperative engine.
  • CA.IX.F.S9:

    Maintain heading ±10° and airspeed ±5 knots.
  • CA.IX.F.S10:

    Complete the appropriate checklist(s).



  • Advise students that this lesson will be used as a starting point for the next lesson
  • Assign study materials for the next lesson
