Instrument Rating - Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators
Lesson Plan


  • Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with performing an approach solely by reference to instruments with the loss of primary flight control instruments
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  • References: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-2 (Risk Management Handbook), FAA-H-8083-3 (Airplane Flying Handbook), FAA-H-8083-15, FAA-H-8083-16, FAA-H-8083-25 (Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge); POH/AFM; Terminal Procedures Publications
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  • Research a mishap case study:
  • Discuss how the initial conditions developed into an incident/accident/mishap
  • Relate similar personal experiences of the same type of incident/accident/mishap



Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators:
Review (quiz):
Case Studies:
Total Ground Time:

Required Materials:

  • Student Jacket, Paper & Pen or Marker & Whiteboard

Instructor Actions:

  • Review Airman Certification Standards

Student Actions:

Instrument Rating - Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators Lesson Plan:

  • Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with performing an approach solely by reference to instruments with the loss of primary flight control instruments
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  • References: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-2 (Risk Management Handbook), FAA-H-8083-3 (Airplane Flying Handbook), FAA-H-8083-15, FAA-H-8083-16, FAA-H-8083-25 (Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge); POH/AFM; Terminal Procedures Publications
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Instrument Rating - Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators Knowledge:

The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
  • IR.VII.D.K1:

    Recognizing if primary flight instruments are inaccurate or inoperative, and advising ATC or the evaluator.
  • IR.VII.D.K2:

    Possible failure modes of primary instruments and how to correct or minimize the effect of the loss.

Instrument Rating - Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators Risk Management:

The applicant is able to identify, assess, and mitigate risk associated with:
  • IR.VII.D.R1:

    Use of secondary flight displays when primary displays have failed.
  • IR.VII.D.R2:

    Maintaining aircraft control.
  • IR.VII.D.R3:

    Distractions, task prioritization, loss of situational awareness, or disorientation.

Instrument Rating - Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators Skills:

The applicant exhibits the skill to:
  • IR.VII.D.S1:

    Advise ATC or the evaluator if unable to comply with a clearance.
  • IR.VII.D.S2:

    Complete a non-precision instrument approach without the use of the primary flight instruments using the skill elements of the non-precision approach Task (see Area of Operation VI, Task A).
  • IR.VII.D.S3:

    Use single-pilot resource management (SRM) or crew resource management (CRM), as appropriate.



  • Advise students that this lesson will be used as a starting point for the next lesson
  • Assign study materials for the next lesson
