Spin Awareness
Lesson Plan


  • Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge of the causes and procedures for recovery from unintentional spins and understands the risk associated with unintentional spins
  • References: AC 61-67; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-25; POH/AFM


  • Research a case study
  • Discuss how the initial conditions developed into an incident/accident/mishap
  • Relate similar personal experience of the same type of incident/accident/mishap


  • Practicing spins build awareness regarding the recognition of, entry into, and recovery from spins
  • An aggravated stall resulting in auto-rotation about the spin axis wherein the aircraft follows a corkscrew path due to one wing being more stalled than another
  • Characterized by high AoA, low airspeed, and high rate of descent where all aerodynamic and inertial forces are balanced
    • It is this balance that must be upset to recover
  • Spins can be entered from any flight attitude and from practically any airspeed
  • A spin is initiated where the pilot includes or fails to include rudder, aileron, or power individually or in combination during a stall
  • Auto-rotation occurs from an asymmetrical stall (think skid)
  • There is an abrupt loss of control when leaving the stall and entering the spin
  • Certification standards require the practice of spin procedures
  • Ensure to follow appropriate regulations related to spins throughout the conduct of the maneuver


Spin Awareness:
Review (quiz):
Case Studies:
Total Ground Time:

Required Materials:

  • Paper, Pen, Marker, Whiteboard

Instructor Actions:

Student Actions:

Private Pilot - Spin Awareness Airman Certification Standards:

  • Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge of the causes and procedures for recovery from unintentional spins and understands the risk associated with unintentional spins
  • References: AC 61-67; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-25; POH/AFM

Spin Awareness Knowledge:

The applicant demonstrates understanding of:

Spin Awareness Skills:

  • N/A:




  • Advise students that this lesson will be used as a starting point for the next lesson
  • Assign study materials for the next lesson