You must be familiar with ATC Radio Communications
Phraseology brings everyone to the same page and allows for an orderly flow of information for instances when you are in congested airspace and there is no time for extra verbiage
Calls to air traffic control facilities may be monitored and recorded for records/training
Visiting air traffic facilities is recommended, call ahead to ensure they can accommodate
Communications are dynamic and can be broken into two environments:
Obtaining Radio Frequencies:
Radio frequencies can be obtained on aeronautical charts, in the chart supplement, and on airport diagrams
While often published on various website, frequncies published may or may not be current
Notice to Air Missions (NOTAMS) will be issued when frequencies are changed between regular FAA chart/publication schedules
Communication Techniques:
Listen Before you Transmit:
If you have just changed frequencies, pause, listen, and make sure the frequency is clear
Don't broadcast until you know the frequency is clear or you will jam, or "step on" another call causing them to repeat their call
Keying a transmitter when someone is talking will be futile and you will probably jam their receivers causing them to repeat their call
Many times you can get the information you want through ATIS or by monitoring the frequency
Think Before Keying the Transmitter:
Know what you're going to say before you say it
If it is lengthy; e.g., a flight plan or IFR position report, jot it down ahead of your call
Key the Mic and Talk:
The microphone should be very close to your lips and after pressing the mike button, a slight pause may be necessary
Be clear, concise, accurate, speaking in a normal tone
When you release the button, wait a few seconds before calling again as the controller or FSS specialist may be jotting down your number, looking for your flight plan, transmitting on a different frequency, or selecting the transmitter for your frequency
Undertanding vs. Brevity:
The most important thought in communications is understanding
It is essential, therefore, that pilots acknowledge each radio communication with ATC by using the appropriate aircraft call sign
Brevity is important but not at the price of understanding
Controllers must know what you want to do before they can properly carry out their control duties
Likewise, pilots must know exactly what the controller wants you to do
Since concise phraseology may not always be adequate, use whatever words are necessary to get your message across
Acknowledges receipt and understanding of an ATC clearance
Reads back any hold short of runway instructions issued by ATC
Requests clarification or amendment, as appropriate, any time a clearance is not fully understood or considered unacceptable from a safety standpoint
Promptly complies with an air traffic clearance upon receipt except as necessary to cope with an emergency. Advises ATC as soon as possible and obtains an amended clearance, if deviation is necessary
Note that a clearance to land means that appropriate separation on the landing runway will be ensured. A landing clearance does not relieve the pilot from compliance with any previously issued altitude crossing restriction
Controller Responsibilities:
Issues appropriate clearances for the operation to be conducted, or being conducted, in accordance with established criteria
Assigns altitudes in IFR clearances that are at or above the minimum IFR altitudes in controlled airspace
Ensures acknowledgment by the pilot for issued information, clearances, or instructions
Ensures that readbacks by the pilot of altitude, heading, or other items are correct
If incorrect, distorted, or incomplete, makes corrections as appropriate
Terminal Communications:
Pilots of departing aircraft should communicate with the control tower on the appropriate ground control/clearance delivery frequency prior to starting engines to receive engine start time, taxi and/or clearance information
Unless otherwise advised by the tower, remain on that frequency during taxiing and run-up, then change to local control frequency when ready to request takeoff clearance
Pilots are encouraged to monitor the local tower frequency as soon as practical consistent with other ATC requirements
The tower controller will consider that pilots of turbine-powered aircraft are ready for takeoff when they reach the runway or warm-up block unless advised otherwise
The majority of ground control frequencies are in the 121.6 to 121.9 MHz bandwidth
Ground control frequencies are provided to eliminate frequency congestion on the tower (local control) frequency and are limited to communications between the tower and aircraft on the ground and between the tower and utility vehicles on the airport, provide a clear VHF channel for arriving and departing aircraft
They are used for issuance of taxi information, clearances, and other necessary contacts between the tower and aircraft or other vehicles operated on the airport
A pilot who has just landed should not change from the tower frequency to ground control frequency until directed to do so by the controller
Normally, only one ground control frequency is assigned at an airport; however, at locations where the amount of traffic so warrants, a second ground control frequency and/or another frequency designated as a clearance delivery frequency, may be assigned
A controller may omit the ground or local control frequency if the controller believes the pilot knows which frequency is in use
If the ground control frequency is in the 121 MHz bandwidth the controller may omit the numbers preceding the decimal point; e.g., 121.7 "Contact ground point seven."
However, if any doubt exists as to what frequency is in use, the pilot should promptly request the controller to provide that information
Controllers will normally avoid issuing a radio frequency change to helicopters, known to be single-piloted, which are hovering, air taxiing, or flying near the ground
At times, it may be necessary for pilots to alert ATC regarding single pilot operations to minimize delay of essential ATC communications
Whenever possible, ATC instructions will be relayed through the frequency being monitored until a frequency change can be accomplished. You must promptly advise ATC if you are unable to comply with a frequency change
Also, you should advise ATC if you must land to accomplish the frequency change unless it is clear the landing will have no impact on the other air traffic; e.g., on a taxiway or in a helicopter operating area
Frequency Changes:
Acknowledgment of Frequency Changes:
When advised by ATC to change frequencies, acknowledge the instruction
ATC: "Contact [Agency] on [Frequency]"
Pilot: "one three four point five, Cessna 1727V" or "Cessna 1727V, one three four point five"
There is no need to acknowledge the agency's name but you will need to use their name when establishing initial contact
If you select the new frequency without an acknowledgment, the controller's workload is increased because there is no way of knowing whether you received the instruction or have had radio communications failure
At times, a controller/specialist may be working a sector with multiple frequency assignments
In order to eliminate unnecessary verbiage and to free the controller/specialist for higher priority transmissions, the controller/specialist may request the pilot "[Identification], change to my frequency 134.5"
This phrase should alert the pilot that the controller/specialist is only changing frequencies, not controller/specialist, and that initial callup phraseology may be abbreviated
Compliance with Frequency Changes:
When instructed by ATC to change frequencies, select the new frequency as soon as possible unless instructed to make the change at a specific time, fix, or altitude. A delay in making the change could result in an untimely receipt of important information. If you are instructed to make the frequency change at a specific time, fix, or altitude, monitor the frequency you are on until reaching the specified time, fix, or altitudes unless instructed otherwise by ATC
Example: "United Two Twenty-Two on one three four point five" or "one three four point five, United Two Twenty-Two"
Frequency Change Techniques:
When changing frequencies, you will given a new altimeter setting on initial contact
When using two radios and are switched to a new frequency, set the second radio to the next anticipated frequency when not otherwise in use
Benefits include; weather information, particularly currentwind and altimeter setting, favored or designated runway, NOTAM and traffic information, and when requested, special VFR clearances (if conditions allow)
Unicom Operator:
Unicom frequencies are non-government radio communications
Many FBOs will use this frequency
Frequency listing on AIM 4-1-11
Used for ATC purposes only for revisions, takeoff, arrival or flight plan cancellation time and clearances
Pilots should regularly update other pilots in area of intentions
Use caution when conducting practice approach procedures
Begin a call with "[airport] traffic" and end with "[airport]"
Inbound Procedures:
PILOT: "[Station] radio, Centurion Six Niner Delta Delta is 10 miles south, two thousand, landing [Airport]. I have information [Information], request radar advisories"
Outbound Procedures:
PILOT: "[Station] radio, Centurion Six Niner Delta Delta, ready to taxi to runway 22, VFR, departing to the southwest. I have information [Information], request airport advisory"
Practice Instrument Approaches:
During pratice approaches, announce departing the FAF, location on approach when switched frequencies, terminating or going missed approach
When landing at an airport without an operating control tower you will be advised to change to Airport Advisory Frequency (AAF) when direct communications with ATC are no longer required
An IAP may not be aligned with the runway therefore if traffic information has not been received the pilot must make an expeditious change to the AAF
Contact Procedures:
Initial Contact:
The terms initial contact or initial callup means the first radio call you make to a given facility or the first call to a different controller or FSS specialist within a facility. Use the following format:
When operating on an airport surface, state your position
Type of message
Use the word "over," if required
"New York Radio, Mooney Three One One Echo"
"Columbia Ground, Cessna Three One Six Zero Foxtrot, south ramp, I-F-R Memphis"
"Miami Center, Baron Five Six Three Hotel, request V-F-R traffic advisories"
Remote Communication Outlets:
Many FSSs have Remote Communication Outlets (RCOs) which can be found on charts inside communication boxes
These RCOs can transmit on the same frequency at more than one location
To enable the specialist to utilize the correct transmitter, advise the location and the frequency on which you expect a reply
Example: St. Louis FSS can transmit on frequency 122.3 at either Farmington, Missouri, or Decatur, Illinois, if you are in the vicinity of Decatur, your callup should be: "Saint Louis radio, Piper Six Niner Six Yankee, receiving Decatur One Two Two Point Three"
If radio reception is reasonably assured, inclusion of your request, your position or altitude, and the phrase "(ATIS) Information Charlie received" in the initial contact helps decrease radio frequency congestion
Use discretion; do not overload the controller with information unneeded or superfluous
If you do not get a response from the ground station, recheck your radios or use another transmitter, but keep the next contact short
Example: "Atlanta Center, Duke Four One Romeo, request V-F-R traffic advisories, Twenty Northwest Rome, seven thousand five hundred, over"
A master list of RCOs can be found on the FAA's website here
When Your Transmitting and Receiving Frequencies are Different:
If you are attempting to establish contact with a ground station and you are receiving on a different frequency than that transmitted, indicate the VOR name or the frequency on which you expect a reply. Most FSSs and control facilities can transmit on several VOR stations in the area. Use the appropriate FSS call sign as indicated on charts
Example: New York FSS transmits on the Kennedy, the Hampton, and the Calverton VORTACs. If you are in the Calverton area, your callup should be "New York radio, Cessna Three One Six Zero Foxtrot, receiving Calverton V-O-R, over"
If the chart indicates FSS frequencies above the VORTAC or in the FSS communications boxes, transmit or receive on those frequencies nearest your location
When unable to establish contact and you wish to call any ground station, use the phrase "ANY RADIO (tower) (station), GIVE CESSNA THREE ONE SIX ZERO FOXTROT A CALL ON (frequency) OR (V-O-R)." If an emergency exists or you need assistance, so state
Subsequent Contacts and Responses to Callup from a Ground Facility:
Use the same format as used for the initial contact except you should state your message or request with the callup in one transmission
The ground station name and the word "Over" may be omitted if the message requires an obvious reply and there is no possibility for misunderstandings
You should acknowledge all callups or clearances unless the controller or FSS specialist advises otherwise
There are some occasions when controllers must issue time critical instructions to other aircraft, and they may be in a position to observe your response, either visually or on radar
If the situation demands your response, take appropriate action or immediately advise the facility of any problem
Acknowledge with your aircraft identification, either at the beginning or at the end of your transmission, and one of the words "Wilco," "Roger," "Affirmative," "Negative," or other appropriate remarks; e.g., "PIPER TWO ONE FOUR LIMA, ROGER"
If you have been receiving services; e.g., VFR traffic advisories and you are leaving the area or changing frequencies, advise the ATC facility and terminate contact
Call signs:
Remember that callsigns are what the FAA intends pilots to use on the frequency
Use of aircraft color may be helpful if confusion or amplification of an instruction is important - but only when necessary to add onto the callsign
Larger airports will have a dedicated clearance delivery frequency which a pilot can contact to obtain a clearance
In the absence of a clearance delivery, or during periods of low traffic flow (usually mentioned in an Automated Traffic Information System), pilots may contact a ground control frequency to obtain the same clearance
Non-towered Airports:
Clearance delivery if available by geographic area
ARTCC when airborne provided you remain in VFR in class E
Formation Communications:
Whomever is in the lead will have the comms
Comm 1 is Pri, "primary"
Comm 2 is Aux, "auxiliary"
Phonetic Alphabet:
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) phonetic alphabet is used by FAA personnel when communications conditions are such that the information cannot be readily received without their use [Figure 1]
ATC facilities may also request pilots to use phonetic letter equivalents when aircraft with similar sounding identifications are receiving communications on the same frequency
Pilots should use the phonetic alphabet when identifying their aircraft during initial contact with air traffic control facilities
Additionally, use the phonetic equivalents for single letters and to spell out groups of letters or difficult words during adverse communications conditions
Figures indicating hundred and thousand in round numbers, as for ceiling heights, and upper wind levels up to 9,900 shall be spoken as a continuous number
500: Five Hundred
4,500: Four Thousand Five Hundred
Numbers above 9,900 shall be spoken by separating the digits preceding the word "thousand:"
10,000: One Zero Thousand
13,500: One Three Thousand Five Hundred
Jet/Victor Routes/Airways:
Victor airways are called by their name while jet routes are abbreviated
V12: Victor Twelve
J533 J: Five Thirty-Three
All other numbers must be transmitted by pronouncing each digit:
10: One Zero
Same as numbers but for the . use "point"
122.1: One Two Two Point One
If operating under ICAO procedures then use "decimal" instead of "point"
The FAA will honor such usage by military aircraft and aircraft required under ICAO procedures
Altitudes and Flight Levels:
Up to but not including 18,000' MSL, state the separate digits of the thousands plus the hundreds if appropriate
12,000: One Two Thousand
12,500: One Two Thousand Five Hundred
At and above 18,000' MSL (FL180) state the words "flight level" followed by the separate digits of the flight level:
190: Flight Level One Niner Zero
275: Flight Level Two Seven Five
The three digits of bearing, course, heading, or wind direction should always be magnetic
The word "true" must be added when it applies
Again, said the same as numbers above, but the word degrees is not typically used
(Magnetic course) 005: Zero Zero Five
(True course) 050: Zero Five Zero True
(Magnetic bearing) 360: Three six zero
(Magnetic heading) 100: Heading One Zero Zero
(Wind Direction) 220: Wind Two Two Zero
Acknowledge calls with "Wilco," Roger," Affirmative," or Negative" unless specific read back is required
The separate digits of the speed followed by the word "knots"
Controllers may omit the word knots when using speed adjustment procedures, "[Reduce/Increase] speed to two five zero"
250: Two Five Zero
190: One Niner Zero
The separate digits of the Mach Number preceded by "Mach"
Mach 1.5: Mach One Point Five
Mach 0.64: Mach Point Six Four
Mach 0.7: Mach Point Seven
The FAA uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for all operations and therefore time is generally UTC time unless prefaced with the word "local"
The term "Zulu" may be used to denote UTC
0920 UTC: Zero Niner Two Zero Zulu
To convert from Standard Time to Coordinated Universal Time:
Eastern Standard: Add 5 hours
Central Standard: Add 6 hours
*Mountain Standard: Add 7 hours
Pacific Standard: Add 8 hours
Alaska Standard: Add 9 hours
Hawaii Standard: Add 10 hours
For daylight savings time (summer), subject to +1 hour
* Arizona does not observe daylight savings time
A reference may be made to local daylight or standard time utilizing the 24-hour clock system
The hour is indicated by the first two figures and the minutes by the last two figures:
0000: Zero Zero Zero Zero
0920: Zero Niner Two Zero
Time may be stated in minutes only in radiotelephone communications when no misunderstanding is likely to occur
Current time in use at a station is stated in the nearest quarter minute in order that pilots may use this information for time checks
Fractions of a quarter minute less than 8 seconds are stated as the preceding quarter minute; fractions of a quarter minute of 8 seconds or more are stated as the succeeding quarter minute
0929:05: Time, Zero Niner Two Niner
0929:10: Time, Zero Niner Two Niner and One-Quarter
The following listing depicts UNICOM and MULTICOM frequency uses as designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
In some areas of the country, frequency interference may be encountered from nearby airports using the same UNICOM frequency. Where there is a problem, UNICOM operators are encouraged to develop a "least interference" frequency assignment plan for airports concerned using the frequencies designated for airports without operating control towers. UNICOM licensees are encouraged to apply for UNICOM 25 kHz spaced channel frequencies. Due to the extremely limited number of frequencies with 50 kHz channel spacing, 25 kHz channel spacing should be implemented. UNICOM licensees may then request FCC to assign frequencies in accordance with the plan, which FCC will review and consider for approval
Wind direction and runway information may not be available on UNICOM frequency 122.950
The Aeronautical Information Manual depicts other frequency uses as designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Use of UNICOM for ATC Purposes:
UNICOM service may be used for ATC purposes, only under the following circumstances:
Revision to proposed departure time
Takeoff, arrival, or flight plan cancellation time
ATC clearance, provided arrangements are made between the ATC facility and the UNICOM licensee to handle such messages
Communication Breakdowns:
Similar Call Signs use full aircraft identification (do not abbreviate) and listen closely to frequency; if there is ANY doubt or confusion, ask!
Don't hear what you expect, listen
During periods of high ATC workload, ATC may not catch a readback error so the pilot must be extra vigilant listening and looking for traffic
Think before you speak, and write down anything to avoid confusion
Use proper phraseology
Take care when expressing altitudes using the words "to" and "for"
"Climbing for five thousand" may be interpreted as 45,000 feet
"Climbing to five thousand" may be interpreted as 25,000 feet
Be alert to the sounds or the lack of sounds in your receiver
Check your volume, recheck your frequency, and make sure that your microphone is not stuck in the transmit position
Frequency blockage can, and has, occurred for extended periods of time due to unintentional transmitter operation
This type of interference is commonly referred to as a "stuck mike," and controllers may refer to it in this manner when attempting to assign an alternate frequency
If the assigned frequency is completely blocked by this type of interference, use the procedures described for en route IFR radio frequency outage to establish or reestablish communications with ATC
Be sure that you are within the performance range of your radio equipment and the ground station equipment
Remote radio sites do not always transmit and receive on all of a facility's available frequencies, particularly with regard to VOR sites where you can hear but not reach a ground station's receiver
Remember that higher altitudes increase the range of VHF "line of sight" communications
FSSs and Supplemental Weather Service Locations (SWSL) are allocated frequencies for different functions; for example, in Alaska, certain FSSs provide Local Airport Advisory on 123.6 MHz or other frequencies which can be found in the Chart Supplement U.S. If you are in doubt as to what frequency to use, 122.2 MHz is assigned to the majority of FSSs as a common en route simplex frequency
In order to expedite communications, state the frequency being used and the aircraft location during initial callup:
Example: "Dayton radio, November One Two Three Four Five on one two two point two, over Springfield V-O-R, over"
Certain VOR voice channels are being utilized for recorded broadcasts; i.e., ATIS. These services and appropriate frequencies are listed in the Chart Supplement U.S. On VFR flights, pilots are urged to monitor these frequencies. When in contact with a control facility, notify the controller if you plan to leave the frequency to monitor these broadcasts
Realize radio communications are simply a conversation between two people
Phraseology is a method to standardize and minimize time on the radio, not challenge pilots to ask simple questions
Listen to LiveATC if you need to become more familiar with radio communications in general or even for a specific area you expect to fly in or through
Think ahead of what you'll need, and then calming say it - don't rush yourself
Practice makes perfect - practice standard verbiage used and what could be expected in return
Think ahead to what sort of information may be provided to stay ahead of possible questions or instructions
Private Pilot (Airplane) Communications, Light Signals, and Runway Lighting Systems Airman Certification Standards:
Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with normal and emergency radio communications, air traffic control (ATC) light signals, and runway lighting systems
Private Pilot (Airplane) Radio Communications, Navigation Systems/Facilities, and Radar Services Airman Certification Standards:
Objective: To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with radio communications, navigation systems/facilities, and radar services available for use during flight solely by reference to instruments
Private Pilot (Airplane) Radio Communications, Navigation Systems/Facilities, and Radar Services Knowledge:
The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
Operating communications equipment to include identifying and selecting radio frequencies, requesting and following air traffic control (ATC) instructions.
Operating navigation equipment to include functions and displays, and following bearings, radials, or courses.
Air traffic control facilities and services.
Private Pilot (Airplane) Radio Communications, Navigation Systems/Facilities, and Radar Services Risk Management:
The applicant is able to identify, assess, and mitigate risk associated with:
When to seek assistance or declare an emergency in a deteriorating situation.
Using available resources (e.g., automation, ATC, and flight deck planning aids).
Private Pilot (Airplane) Radio Communications, Navigation Systems/Facilities, and Radar Services Skills:
The applicant exhibits the skill to:
Maintain airplane control while selecting proper communications frequencies, identifying the appropriate facility, and managing navigation equipment.
The NTSB determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be: The failure of the pilots in the King Air A90 to effectively monitor the common traffic advisory frequency or to properly scan for traffic, resulting in their commencing a takeoff roll when the Beech 1900C (United Express flight 5925) was landing on an intersecting runway
Communication can be broken with surprising speed and disastrous results
Pilots are to maintain vigilance in monitoring air traffic control radio communications frequencies for potential traffic conflicts with their aircraft especially when operating on an active runway and/or when conducting a final approach to landing
The Pilot/Controller Glossary is an outstanding resource for learning what certain words or phrases mean
Good phraseology enhances safety and is the mark of a professional pilot whereas jargon, chatter, and slang have no place in ATC communications
Jargon, chatter, and "CB" slang have no place in ATC communications
The Pilot/Controller Glossary is the same glossary used in FAA Order JO 7110.65, Air Traffic Control
It is recommended to review the pilot/controller glossary from time to time to sharpen communication skills
Consider carrying a hand-held radio to mitigate any in-flight radio communication failure as well as serve as a part of an emergency kit
When at an uncontrolled airfield, remain diligent with the communication procedures to include calling out when crossing runways, even if not the active
CTAF: A frequency designed for the purpose of carrying out airport advisory practices while operating to or from an airport without an operating control tower. The CTAF may be a UNICOM, Multicom, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified in appropriate aeronautical publications
UNICOM: A nongovernment communication facility which may provide airport information at certain airports. Locations and frequencies of UNICOMs are shown on aeronautical charts and publications
Expect after an approach clearance to a non-towered airfield that ATC will give you a phone number to call to cancel IFR on the ground
Never be afraid to ask questions for clarifications, and say unable if you do not believe you can safely execute a clearance
Note that even when not talking, it is a good idea to make sure your radios are of use to you, monitoring appropriate frequencies (guard, center, etc.) while enroute
Still having trouble? If you're having a difficult time with radio communications or just wish to improve, check out Aviation Communication Training [Amazon] guides