Barrel Roll


  • You will roll the aircraft 360° about an imaginary point on the horizon that bears 45° from the original heading of the aircraft
  • Develops confidence, coordination, and instrument scan while flying through varying attitudes and airspeeds
  • Also develops the ability to remain oriented while flying the aircraft in balanced flight through the inverted position
  • Should be a smooth, graceful maneuver with constant roll and pitch rates
  • If you're not achieving 90° of heading change as you roll inverted, you didn't maintain enough back stick when you were between 60° and 90° AoB
  • As the airspeed decreases toward the top of the maneuver, it will be necessary to increase the deflection of the ailerons, rudder, and elevator to maintain a constant rate of pitch and roll
  • As the airspeed increases toward the bottom of the maneuver, it will be necessary to decrease the deflection of the ailerons, rudder, and elevator to maintain a constant rate of pitch and roll
  • Maintain orientation throughout the maneuver by concentrating on your reference points
  • Maintain a constant rate of roll and nose movement
  • Inscribing a small arc above the horizon in the first half of the maneuver and a larger arc below the horizon in the last half will result in too great an airspeed at the completion of the maneuver or unnecessarily high "G" forces to recover on airspeed
  • During the roll out to the original heading, adjusting the back stick pressure will enable you to recover on altitude and at aerobatic cruise airspeed

All procedures are GENERALIZED.
Fly the maneuver in accordance with the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH)
and/or current Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Stall/Aerobatic Checklist:

  • Cockpit: Clear of lose objects
  • Seat Belts: Locked and tight
  • Autoignition/Fuel Pump: On
  • Engine Instruments: Checked
  • Report: Stall/aerobatic checklist complete

Additional Considerations:

  • Ensure pockets are zipped and the map-case is secured to prevent loose items from going airborne


  1. Give an instrument, gas, and position report (IGP)
  2. CONFIGURATION: aerobatic cruise
  3. Complete the stall/aerobatic checklist
  4. CODES: 4700
  5. Perform a clearing turn
    • Roll out on or parallel to a section line
    • Anticipate the section line to roll out on it vs. searching after your clearing turn
    • Pick a reference point on the horizon 90° to either side of the nose in the direction you intend to perform the maneuver
  6. Recheck the wings level and clear the airspace above you
    • ICS: "Entry altitude is..."
  7. Commence the maneuver by smoothly raising the nose while keeping the wings level
    • As the exhaust stacks pass the horizon, roll and pull so the nose travels around in an arcing path toward the selected 90° checkpoint
    • Begin your roll to 90° at 20° of pitch
    • 1st checkpoint:
      • Turn: 45°
      • Nose: 60°
      • AoB: 90°
  8. Continue rolling the aircraft at a constant rate until in a wings level, inverted attitude, heading directly at the 90° reference point on the horizon
    • 2nd checkpoint:
      • Turn: 90° (90°-100°)
      • Nose: 0° (slightly above horizon) (looking at your 90° point)
      • Bank: 90°
        • Do not unload the aircraft, it should not slow by much if any at the top, the maneuver will be fine if the 60° of pitch was hit on the initial checkpoint
  9. The last half of the arc will be the same distance below the horizon that the first half is above the horizon
    • If performed properly, 2.0 Gs should not be exceeded at any time during the maneuver
    • The last half of the arc will be the same distance below the horizon that the first half is above the horizon

Barrel Roll Common Errors:

  • Failure to adequately clear the area
  • Excessive roll rate in the first 180° of roll, and hence reaching 90° heading change, inverted position (or short of it) with the nose already below the horizon
    • This normally leads to a low and fast recovery

