- The Half-Cuban Eight is a reversal of direction in the vertical plane and can be used as a standard weapons delivery maneuver
- Combines the first 210° of a loop, a half roll to the upright position, and a 45° diving pull out of level flight on the original altitude and reciprocal heading
- Provides a quick means of reversing the direction of flight while preserving the original altitude and airspeed
- Select a long, well defined section line that extends behind you as well as in front
- Enter the maneuver as you would a loop, but instead of completing the loop, roll the aircraft to wings level when you are 45° nose down inverted
- A black 45 display on the ADI designates nose down
- There is another half of this maneuver to make a Full-Cuban Eight:
- Pull up to 60° nose up, roll inverted, and wait until you see 280 KCAS
- Smoothly introduce back-stick to intercept 12° AoA and finish the maneuver as per the back side of a normal loop
- If you end up a little low of the start altitude, use this new altitude as the target altitude for finishing the second half
- Cockpit: Clear of lose objects
- Seat Belts: Locked and tight
- Autoignition/Fuel Pump: On
- Engine Instruments: Checked
- Report: Stall/aerobatic checklist complete
- Ensure pockets are zipped and the map-case is secured to prevent loose items from going airborne
- Give an instrument, gas, and position report (IGP)
- CONFIGURATION: aerobatic cruise
- Complete the stall/aerobatic checklist
- CODES: 4700
- Perform a clearing turn
- During the last 90° of turn, lower the nose slightly and accelerate to 200 KIAS
- Roll out of the clearing turn on or parallel to a section line with 200 KIAS
- Anticipate the section line to roll out on it vs. searching after your clearing turn
- The increased airspeed will require a slight amount of left rudder to maintain balanced flight
- Recheck the wings level and clear the airspace above you
- ICS: "Entry altitude is..."
- PULL: Commence the AGSM and immediately start a smooth straight pull-up, accelerating to 3.5Gs within 2 or 3 seconds (Pull-Relax)
- LEVEL: Recheck the wings level as the nose passes through the horizon
- Adjust stick pressure as necessary to keep the nose moving at a constant rate
- BALL: Increase right rudder pressure as airspeed decreases
- CHECK: Shortly after passing the vertical position, tilt your head back and visually locate the opposite horizon
- Correct with aileron as necessary to maintain wings parallel to the horizon
- Check the nose in relation to the section line and correct directional deviations, as necessary, by adjusting the rudder input
- The greatest amount of right rudder input will, therefore, be required at this point, in order to maintain balanced flight
- Maintain positive G-loading and wings parallel to the horizon
- Allow the nose to fall through the opposite horizon, adjust the amount of aft stick pressure to maintain a constant pitch rate
- As the nose approaches a point 30° below the opposite horizon, slow the nose movement by releasing back stick pressure and commence a half aileron roll to the erect position
- During the roll, it will take slight forward stick pressure as the aircraft passes wings vertical to hold the heading and allow the nose to continue pitching downward to a position 45° below the horizon
- Commence a smooth pullout to straight and level balanced flight 600-700 feet prior to the original entry altitude
- Failure to adequately clear the area
- Rolling the aircraft upright too early and end up high and slow