• Remain mindful that performance calculations are usually more optimistic than performance in reality
  • Maneuvers & Procedures - Loop


    • A 360° circle in the vertical plane
    • The elevator/stabilator is the primary control, but the ailerons and rudder will coordinate it
    • Increasing back-stick is required due to decreasing airspeed
    • During a loop, the aircraft is rotated at a constant rate of pitch about its lateral axis
    • Elevator is the principle control surface utilized
    • Rudder maintains directional control
    • Aileron keeps the wings parallel with the horizon
    • The nose pitch rate should be constant, but aft stick force required to obtain this will vary with airspeed and "G" loading
    • Inside Loop:
      • A positive pitching movement is used at all points in the loop to draw the circle, so that the aeroplane canopy is pointing inwards
    • Outside Loop:
      • A negative pitching movement is used to all points in the loop to draw a circle, so that the aeroplane canopy is pointing outwards
      • Both the inside and outside loops are sometimes casually referred to as a 'loop the loop'

    All procedures are GENERALIZED.
    Fly the maneuver in accordance with the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH)
    and/or current Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

    Stall/Aerobatic Checklist:

    • Cockpit: Clear of lose objects
    • Seat Belts: Locked and tight
    • Autoignition/Fuel Pump: On
    • Engine Instruments: Checked
    • Report: Stall/aerobatic checklist complete

    Additional Considerations:

    • Ensure pockets are zipped and the map-case is secured to prevent loose items from going airborne


    1. Give an instrument, gas, and position report (IGP)
    2. CONFIGURATION: aerobatic cruise
    3. Complete the stall/aerobatic checklist
    4. CODES: 4700
    5. Perform a clearing turn
      • During the last 90° of turn, lower the nose slightly and accelerate to 200 KIAS
      • Roll out of the clearing turn on or parallel to a section line with 200 KIAS
      • Anticipate the section line to roll out on it vs. searching after your clearing turn
      • The increased airspeed will require a slight amount of left rudder to maintain balanced flight
    6. Recheck the wings level and clear the airspace above you
      • ICS: "Entry altitude is..."
    7. PULL: Commence the AGSM and immediately start a smooth straight pull up accelerating to 3.5-G to 4.0-Gs within a few seconds
    8. LEVEL: Recheck the wings level as the nose passes through the horizon
    9. Adjust stick pressure as necessary to keep the nose moving at a constant rate (PULL-RELAX)
    10. BALL: Increase right rudder pressure as airspeed decreases
    11. CHECK: Shortly after passing the vertical position, tilt your head back and visually locate the opposite horizon
      • Correct with aileron, as necessary, to maintain the wings parallel to the horizon
      • Check the nose in relation to the section line and correct directional deviations, as necessary, by adjusting the rudder input
      • The greatest amount of right rudder input will be required at the top to maintain balanced flight
    12. Allow the nose to fall through the opposite horizon (RELAX-PULL)
    13. Adjust the amount of aft stick pressure to maintain a constant pitch rate
    14. Continue to relax right rudder pressure, as the airspeed increases in the dive
    15. The recovery will again require approximately 3.5 to 4.0-G, so remember to resume the AGSM
    16. Quickly scan the altimeter during recovery in order to return to straight and level flight at approximately the same altitude, airspeed, and heading from which the maneuver was initiated

    Loop Common Errors:

    • Failure to adequately clear the area
    • Recovery is above the start altitude and below entry speed (due to high performance aircraft turning ability)
    • Not easing the stick forward to intercept AoA and hence having poor alpha control over the top (excessive alpha), not assessing wings level in the inverted position, and not increasing back-stick enough to intercept appropriate G again on the back side resulting in a fast, low recovery
    • Going slow on the top is the result of not maintaining a 4.0-G pull and optimum AoA

