Squirrel Cage


  • Pay particular attention to airspeed and altitude during the squirrel cage
  • Consists of a coordinated series of overhead maneuvers, flown in the specific sequence:

All procedures are GENERALIZED.
Fly the maneuver in accordance with the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH)
and/or current Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Stall/Aerobatic Checklist:

  • Cockpit: Clear of lose objects
  • Seat Belts: Locked and tight
  • Autoignition/Fuel Pump: On
  • Engine Instruments: Checked
  • Report: Stall/aerobatic checklist complete

Additional Considerations:

  • Ensure pockets are zipped and the map-case is secured to prevent loose items from going airborne


  1. Complete the stall/aerobatic checklist
  2. Perform clearing turns
  3. Begin the maneuver at 380 KIAS on altitude and lined up on a prominent terrain feature or section line
  4. Start with a loop at ~12,000' AGL
  5. As you are descending through the backside of the loop, allow the aircraft to accelerate to 380 KIAS and then from a level attitude, begin the half-Cuban Eight
    • This is the best time to correct your heading
  6. As you exit the Half-Cuban Eight, allow the aircraft to accelerate to 380 KIAS
  7. From a level attitude, execute an immelmann
  8. Finally, reduce the power to idle and execute a split-s

Squirrel Cage Common Errors:

  • Failure to adequately clear the area
  • Lack of proficiency with an individual maneuver

