VFR Cross-Country Flight


Cross-Country Flight Defined:

  • To meet the requirements (except rotorcraft and powered parachute category rating) for a private certificate, a commercial certificate, instrument rating, or for the purposes of exercising recreational pilot privileges (except in a rotorcraft) under 61.101(c), cross-country time requires a point of landing that is more than 50 nm straight-line distance from the original point of departure. 14 CFR 61.1(b)(3)(ii)
  • To meet the requirements for any pilot certificate with a rotorcraft category rating or the instrument-helicopter rating, or for the purpose of exercising recreational pilot privileges in a rotorcraft under 61.101(c), cross-country time requires a point of landing that is more than 25 nm straight-line distance from the original point of departure. 14 CFR 61.1(b)(3)(v)
  • To meet the requirements for a sport pilot certificate (except for powered parachute privileges), cross-country time requires a point of landing that is more than 25 nm straight-line distance from the original point of departure. 14 CFR 61.1(b)(3)(iii)
  • To meet the requirements for a sport pilot certificate with powered parachute privileges or a private pilot certificate with a powered parachute category rating, cross-country time requires a point of landing that is more than 15 nm straight-line distance from the original point of departure. 14 CFR 61.1(b)(3)(iv)
  • To meet the requirements for the ATP certificate, cross-country time is more than 50 nm straight-line distance from the original point of departure with no requirement for a landing. 14 CFR 61.1(b)(3)(vi)
  • For a military pilot who qualifies for a commercial pilot certificate (except with a rotorcraft category rating) under 61.73, cross-country time is more than 50 nm straight-line distance from the original point of departure with no landing requirement. 14 CFR 61.1(b)(3)(vii)

Night Considerations:

  • Airplane Flying Handbook. Figure 10-4, Use light patterns for orientation
    Airplane Flying Handbook, Use light patterns for orientation
  • Generally, night operations make it difficult to see clouds and restrictions to visibility, particularly on dark nights or under overcast
    • The pilot flying under VFR must exercise caution to avoid flying into clouds or a layer of fog
  • Usually, the first indication of flying into restricted visibility conditions is the gradual disappearance of lights on the ground
  • If the lights begin to take on an appearance of being surrounded by a halo or glow, the pilot should use caution in attempting further flight in that same direction
    • Such a halo or glow around lights on the ground is indicative of ground fog
  • Remember that if a descent must be made through fog, smoke, or haze in order to land, the horizontal visibility is considerably less when looking through the restriction than it is when looking straight down through it from above
  • Under no circumstances should a VFR night-flight be made during poor or marginal weather conditions unless both the pilot and aircraft are certificated and equipped for flight under instrument flight rules (IFR)
  • Airplane Flying Handbook. Figure 10-4, Use light patterns for orientation
    Airplane Flying Handbook, Use light patterns for orientation


  • The pilot should practice and acquire competency in straight-and-level flight, climbs and descents, level turns, climbing and descending turns, and steep turns
  • Recovery from unusual attitudes should also be practiced, but only on dual flights with a flight instructor
  • The pilot should also practice these maneuvers with all the cockpit lights turned OFF, as blackout training is necessary, if an electrical or instrument light failure occurs
  • Training should also include using the navigation equipment and local NAVAIDs
  • In spite of fewer references or checkpoints, night cross-country flights do not present particular problems if pre-planning is adequate, and the pilot continues to monitor position, time estimates, and fuel consumed
  • NAVAIDs, if available, should be used to assist in monitoring en route progress
  • Crossing large bodies of water at night in single engine airplanes could be potentially hazardous, not only from the standpoint of landing (ditching) in the water, but also because with little or no lighting the horizon blends with the water, in which case, depth perception and orientation become difficult
    • During poor visibility conditions over water, the horizon will become obscure, and may result in a loss of orientation
  • Even on clear nights, the stars may be reflected on the water surface, which could appear as a continuous array of lights, thus making the horizon difficult to identify
  • At an altitude of 2,000', a group of lights on an object may be seen individually, while at 5,000' or higher, the same lights could appear to be one solid light mass
  • These illusions may become quite acute with altitude changes and if not overcome could present problems in respect to approaches to lighted runways

Weather Considerations:

  • Consider use of prominent landmarks, like rivers, roads, or airports, when navigating through marginal VFR
  • Airports also provide options to terminate a flight or divert
  • Prominent landmarks like roads likely have obstructions - flying lower to see better may not be safer (or legal)

Terrain Considerations:

  • Do not point to terrain that may be above minimums or worse, higher than the altitude flown, so if a check point is missed, you're not flying into a hazard

Filing a Flight Plan:

Locating Airport:

  • Bold Method offers seven recommendations to locate an airport at night:
    • Compare the airport's location to a nearby charted town or city
    • Search the night sky for the single white and green flash of the airport's beacon
    • When available, always back up a visual approach with horizontal and vertical guidance from an instrument approach
    • Study the airport diagram to familiarize yourself with the layout of runways and taxiway, so you can look out for familiar airport lighting layouts
    • If pilot controlled lighting is available, consider turning the airport lights to the brightest setting, at least initially
    • Study the approach light systems in use for each runway so you can spot the airport
    • If there are highways nearby, be sure to avoid mistaking runway lights for well-lit roadways

