CFI Notebook
CFI Notebook
The Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) Notebook provides "Higher" education, bridging the gap between flight training and the airplane, enhancing your aeronautical experience with articles, multimedia, lessons, and references.
Get into it by reading our notebook articles or following along with our lesson plans.
CFI Notebook
The CFI, or Flight Instructor Notebook, is an instructor's guide to navigating the sea of resources to provide helpful guidance for their students and themselves. Our notebook aims to enhance pilots' aeronautical knowledge by explaining various topics and referencing their sources to enable further learning.
Instructors recall this knowledge when building lesson plans. More important than knowledge is connecting the topics so that the student can appreciate the "why" behind the facts.
CFI Lessons
Trivia of the Day
Trivia rolls over daily at midnight, Mountain Standard Time.
Question of the day
On a turbofan engine, which section drives the compressor?
Advice of the Day
Always ask yourself, what is next?
System of the Day
Fuel System: The fuel system is designed to provide an uninterrupted flow of clean fuel from the fuel tanks to the engine
Maneuver of the Day
Soft Field Takeoffs: Soft field takeoffs are used to obtain maximum performance when departing from a soft or rough runway surface
Emergency of the Day
Engine Failure: The total loss of power requires immediate actions which depend upon speed (life) and altitude (life insurance)
Mishap of the Day
ERA14FA343: The NTSB determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be: The pilot's failure to secure the cargo in the cargo compartment, which resulted in a weight shift that led to the center of gravity exceeding its aft limit during a go-around attempt and a subsequent aerodynamic stall.