Seaplane Post-Landing Procedures (ASES, AMES)
Lesson Plan


  • Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with anchoring, docking, mooring, and ramping/beaching
  • Note: The evaluator must select at least one after-landing procedure (anchoring, docking and mooring, or ramping/beaching)
  • References: FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-23, FAA-H-8083-25; POH/AFM


  • Research a case study
  • Discuss how the initial conditions developed into an incident/accident/mishap
  • Relate similar personal experience of the same type of incident/accident/mishap



Seaplane Post-Landing Procedures:
Review (quiz):
Case Studies:
Total Ground Time:

Required Materials:

  • Paper, Pen, Marker, Whiteboard

Instructor Actions:

Student Actions:

Private Pilot - Seaplane Post-Landing Procedures (ASES, AMES) Airman Certification Standards:

  • Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with anchoring, docking, mooring, and ramping/beaching
  • Note: The evaluator must select at least one after-landing procedure (anchoring, docking and mooring, or ramping/beaching)
  • References: FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-23, FAA-H-8083-25; POH/AFM

Seaplane Post-Landing Procedures Knowledge:

The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
  • PA.XII.B.K1:

  • PA.XII.B.K2:
  • PA.XII.B.K3:
  • PA.XII.B.K4:
  • PA.XII.B.K5:
    Postflight inspection, recording of in-flight/postflight discrepancies

Seaplane Post-Landing Procedures Management:

The applicant is able to identify, assess, and mitigate risk associated with:
  • PA.XII.B.R1:

    Activities and distractions
  • PA.XII.B.R2:

  • PA.XII.B.R3:

    Seaplane base specific security procedures, if applicable
  • PA.XII.B.R4:

    Disembarking passengers safely on the ramp and monitoring passenger movement while on the ramp

Seaplane Post-Landing Procedures Skills:

The applicant exhibits the skill to:
  • PA.XII.B.S1:

    If anchoring, select a suitable area considering seaplane movement, water depth, tide, wind, and weather changes. Use an adequate number of anchors and lines of sufficient strength and length to ensure the seaplane’s security
  • PA.XII.B.S2:

    If not anchoring, approach the dock/mooring buoy or beach/ramp in the proper direction and at a safe speed, considering water depth, tide, current, and wind
  • PA.XII.B.S3:

    Complete the appropriate checklist
  • PA.XII.B.S4:

    Conduct a postflight inspection and document discrepancies and servicing requirements, if any
  • PA.XII.B.S5:

    Secure the seaplane considering the effect of wind, waves, and changes in water level, or comply with applicable after landing, parking, and securing procedures if operating an amphibious airplane on land



  • Advise students that this lesson will be used as a starting point for the next lesson
  • Assign study materials for the next lesson