Class Bravo Airspace


  • Class Bravo airspace (Class B) is the airspace surrounding the nation's "busiest" airports
  • Class B airspace supports both Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and Visual Flight Rules (VFR) operations within
  • Class Bravo Airspace surrounds those airports that have at least an operational Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT), and Terminal Radar Approach Controls (TRACON)
  • No person may operate an aircraft within a Class B airspace area except in compliance with FAR 91.129 and 91.131
    • The operator must receive an ATC clearance from the ATC facility having jurisdiction for that area before operating an aircraft in that area
    • Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, each person operating a large turbine engine-powered airplane to or from a primary airport for which a Class B airspace area is designated must operate at or above the designated floors of the Class B airspace area while within the lateral limits of that area
    • Any person conducting pilot training operations at an airport within a Class B airspace area must comply with any procedures established by ATC for such operations in that area
  • Departing from an airport in Class Bravo airspace can be very intimidating, especially single-piloted
    • If IFR, you will almost definitely be given a published Standard Instrument Departure Procedure (SID) instead of radar vectors
    • If VFR, you can expect there are standard departure paths assigned
      • Local pilots, FBOs, or ATC can tell you in advance with a simple phone call
    • If departing under class Bravo, you do not need to comply with any of class Bravo restrictions, with the exception of having an altitude encoding transponder, unless exempt, as described below
      • If departing inside of class Bravo, you must follow the departure in accordance with tower and contact class Bravo as soon as instructed for further clearance
  • When you feel you have a solid understanding of Class Bravo Airspace, compare your knowledge against the Private Pilot - Airplane or Commercial Pilot - Airplane Airman Certification Standards

Class Bravo Air Traffic Services:

  • Examples of Class Bravo Altitudes
    Examples of Class Bravo Altitudes
  • Approach Control Service for VFR Arriving Aircraft:

    • Numerous approach control facilities have established programs for arriving VFR aircraft to contact approach control for landing information. This information includes wind, runway, and altimeter setting at the airport of the intended landing. This information may be omitted if contained in the Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) broadcast and the pilot states the appropriate ATIS code
      • Pilot's use of "have numbers" does not indicate receipt of the ATIS broadcast. In addition, the controller will provide traffic advisories on a workload-permitting basis
    • Such information will be furnished upon initial contact with the concerned approach control facility
      • ATC will request the pilot change to the tower frequency at a predetermined time or point to receive further landing information
    • Where available, the use of this procedure will not hinder the operation of VFR flights by requiring excessive spacing between aircraft or devious routing
    • Compliance with this procedure is not mandatory, but pilot participation is encouraged
      • Approach control services for VFR aircraft are normally dependent on ATC radar. These services are not available during periods of a radar outage
  • Examples of Class Bravo Altitudes
    Examples of Class Bravo Altitudes

Class Bravo Airspace Dimensions:

  • San Francisco (KSFO) Class Bravo Airspace
    San Francisco (KSFO) Class Bravo Airspace
  • Simplification of the Class B airspace area configuration while reducing the number of sub-areas is a prime requisite
  • Its vertical and lateral limits are standardized to the maximum extent possible to contain all instrument procedures within
  • This airspace should be initially designed in a circular configuration centered at the primary airport
  • Describe the airspace area using NAVAIDs as references where available on the primary airport in the following order of preference: VORTAC, VOR/DME, etc.
  • Lateral Limits:

    • The outer limits of the airspace do not exceed a 30 NM radius from the primary airport
    • This 30 NM radius will generally be divided into three concentric circles: an inner 10 NM radius, a middle 20 NM radius, and an outer 30 NM radius
      • The inner 10 NM radius area may be subdivided based on operational needs, runway alignment, adjacent regulatory airspace, or adjacent airports
      • The areas between 10 to 20 NM and 20 to 30 NM may be vertically subdivided because of terrain or other regulatory airspace
  • Vertical Limits:

    • Generally extends from surface to 10,000' MSL with some exceptions (Atlanta) around the nation's busiest airports
    • Consists of a surface area and two or more layers (some Class B airspace areas resemble upside-down wedding cakes)
    • The inner 10 NM area must normally extend from the surface to the upper limits of the airspace
      • This segment may be adjusted to coincide with runway alignment, adjacent airports, other regulatory airspace, etc., but must encompass, as a minimum, all final approach fixes and minimum altitudes at the final approach fix
    • The floor of the area between 10 and 20 NM must be predicated on a 300-foot per NM gradient for 10 NM. This segment will normally have a floor between 2,800 feet and 3,000 feet above airport elevation
      • This floor must remain constant for that segment, but may be adjusted considering terrain and adjacent regulatory airspace
      • However, segmentation should be held to an absolute minimum
    • The floor of the area between 20 and 30 NM must be at an altitude consistent with approach control arrival and departure procedures
      • It is expected that this floor would normally be between 5,000 and 6,000 feet above airport elevation
      • In the segment between 20 and 30 NM, exclusions are permitted to accommodate adjacent regulatory airspace and/or terrain
  • Individually tailored designated to contain all published instrument approaches
  • Satellite Airports:
    • When establishing the airspace floor, consider the adverse effect on satellite airport operations as well as operations at the primary airport. When airspace directly over a satellite airport is not required, it should be excluded from the Class B airspace. Special published traffic patterns and/or procedures may be required for satellite airports
  • San Francisco (KSFO) Class Bravo Airspace
    San Francisco (KSFO) Class Bravo Airspace

Class Bravo Airspace Depiction:

Class Bravo Operating Rules & Pilot/Equipment Requirements:

  • VFR Visibility Requirements:

    • 3 SM visibility, clear of clouds
  • Entry Requirements:

    • Regardless of weather conditions, an ATC clearance is required for all aircraft to operate in the area, and all aircraft that are so cleared receive separation services within the airspace
      • An ATC clearance is recognized by hearing "you are cleared"
        • YOU: "[Callsign], [Location], with [Information], request"
        • ATC: "[Callsign], [Agency], cleared to [Clearance], [Restrictions]"
      • Unlike Class Charlie or Delta, if you hear "Standby" or any other variation that does not have the word "Cleared" then you do not have permission to enter the airspace
  • Equipment Requirements:

    • Transponder:

      • ADS-B Out Requirements
        ADS-B Out Requirements
      • Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, when operating within or above Class Bravo airspace, a 91.215 and operable ADS-B Out equipment is required
        • After January 1, 2020, the applicable Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out equipment specified in 91.225
      • Transponders are also required within 30 NM of the primary airport (i.e., when within the Mode-C veil), at any altitude
      • ADS-B Out Requirements
        ADS-B Out Requirements
    • Communication Equipment:

      • Radios are required in order to maintain two-way radio communications with the controlling agency (described below)
  • Pilot Qualifications:

    • No person may take off or land a civil aircraft at an airport within a Class B airspace area or operate a civil aircraft within a Class B airspace area unless:
      • The pilot in command holds at least a private pilot certificate;
      • The pilot-in-command holds a recreational pilot certificate and has met the requirements of 14 CFR Section 61.101; or (c) The pilot-in-command holds a sport pilot certificate and has met the requirements of 14 CFR Section 61.325; or
      • The aircraft is operated by a student pilot:
        • Who seeks a private pilot certificate and
          • Has met the requirements of 14 CFR Section 61.95
          • Who seeks a recreational pilot certificate or sport pilot and has met the requirements of 14 CFR Section 61.94
          • Note that some class B airports prohibit student pilots, shown below
      • In addition, no person may take off or land a civil aircraft at those airports listed in section 4 of appendix D to this part unless the pilot in command holds at least a private pilot certificate
        • This is different from FAR 61.95 as recreational and sport pilots may operate within that list, however much of the list is similar
    • No person may take off or land a civil aircraft at the following primary airports within Class B airspace unless the pilot-in-command holds at least a private pilot certificate:
      • Andrews Air Force Base, MD
      • Atlanta Hartsfield Airport, GA
      • Boston Logan Airport, MA
      • Chicago O'Hare Int'l. Airport, IL
      • Dallas/Fort Worth Int'l. Airport, TX
      • Los Angeles Int'l. Airport, CA
      • Miami Int'l. Airport, FL
      • Newark Int'l. Airport, NJ
      • New York Kennedy Airport, NY
      • New York La Guardia Airport, NY
      • Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, DC
      • San Francisco Int'l. Airport, CA
  • ATC Clearances & Separation

    • An ATC clearance is required to enter and operate within Class B airspace
    • VFR pilots are provided sequencing and separation from other aircraft while operating within Class B airspace
      • Separation and sequencing of VFR aircraft will be suspended in the event of a radar outage as this service is dependent on radar. The pilot will be advised that the service is not available and issued wind, runway information and the time or place to contact the tower
    • VFR aircraft are separated from all VFR/IFR aircraft which weigh 19,000 pounds or less by a minimum of:
      • Target resolution, or
      • 500' vertical separation, or
      • Visual separation
    • VFR aircraft are separated from all VFR/IFR aircraft which weigh more than 19,000 and turbojets by no less than:
      • 1 1/2 miles lateral separation, or
      • 500' vertical separation, or
      • Visual separation
    • This program is not to be interpreted as relieving pilots of their responsibilities to see and avoid other traffic operating in basic VFR weather conditions, to adjust their operations and flight path as necessary to preclude serious wake encounters, to maintain appropriate terrain and obstruction clearance or to remain in weather conditions equal to or better than the minimums required by 14 CFR Section 91.155. Approach control should be advised and a revised clearance or instruction obtained when compliance with an assigned route, heading and/or altitude is likely to compromise pilot responsibility with respect to terrain and obstruction clearance, vortex exposure, and weather minimums
    • ATC may assign altitudes to VFR aircraft that do not conform to 14 CFR Section 91.159
      • "Resume Appropriate VFR Altitudes" will be broadcast when the altitude assignment is no longer needed for separation or when leaving Class B airspace
      • Pilots must return to an altitude that conforms to 14 CFR Section 91.159
    • Not to relieve pilots of their responsibilities to see and avoid
      • This is the only airspace where VFR traffic is separated from other VFR traffic
  • Mode C Veil:

    • The Mode C Veil is that airspace generally within 30 nautical miles of primary airports within class B airspace areas, from the surface upward to 10,000' MSL
    • Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, aircraft operating within this airspace must be equipped with an operable radar beacon transponder with automatic altitude reporting capability and operable ADS-B Out equipment
      • Aircraft that were not originally certificated with an engine-driven electrical system or that have not subsequently been certified with a system installed may conduct operations within a Mode C veil provided the aircraft remains outside Class A, B or C airspace; and below the altitude of the ceiling of a Class B or Class C airspace area designated for an airport or 10,000' MSL, whichever is lower
  • Flight Procedures

    • Aircraft within Class B airspace are required to operate in accordance with current IFR procedures
    • A clearance for a visual approach to a primary airport is not authorization for turbine-powered airplanes to operate below the designated floors of the Class B airspace
    • VFR Flights:

      • Arriving aircraft must obtain an ATC clearance prior to entering Class B airspace and must contact ATC on the appropriate frequency, and in relation to geographical fixes shown on local charts
        • Although a pilot may be operating beneath the floor of the Class B airspace on initial contact, communications with ATC should be established in relation to the points indicated for spacing and sequencing purposes
      • Departing aircraft require a clearance to depart Class B airspace and should advise the clearance delivery position of their intended altitude and route of flight
        • ATC will normally advise VFR aircraft when leaving the geographical limits of the Class B airspace
        • Radar service is not automatically terminated with this advisory unless specifically stated by the controller
      • Aircraft not landing or departing the primary airport may obtain an ATC clearance to transit the Class B airspace when traffic conditions permit and provided the requirements of 14 CFR Section 91.131 are met
        • Such VFR aircraft are encouraged, to the extent possible, to operate at altitudes above or below the Class B airspace or transit through established VFR corridors
        • Pilots operating in VFR corridors are urged to use frequency 122.750 MHz for the exchange of aircraft position information
    • Large turbine engine-powered aircraft operations to or from a primary airport shall operate at or above the designated floors while within the limits of Class B airspace
      • A visual clearance to land is not an authorization for turbine-powered airplanes to operate below designated floors
  • Proximity Operations:

    • VFR aircraft operating in proximity to Class B airspace are cautioned against operating too closely to the boundaries, especially where the floor of the Class B airspace is 3,000 feet or less above the surface or where VFR cruise altitudes are at or near the floor of higher levels
    • Observance of this precaution will reduce the potential for encountering an aircraft operating at the altitudes of Class B floors
    • Additionally, VFR aircraft are encouraged to utilize the VFR Planning Chart as a tool for planning flight in proximity to Class B airspace
    • Charted VFR Flyway Planning Charts are published on the back of the existing VFR Terminal Area Charts
  • Speed Restrictions:

    • 250 knots inside of airspace
    • 200 knots under the airspace or in a corridor
  • Small Unmanned Aircraft Operations:

    • No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft in Class B unless that person has prior authorization from Air Traffic Control (ATC)
    • No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft in a manner that interferes with operations and traffic patterns at any airport, heliport, or seaplane base


  • Aircraft not landing or departing the primary airport may obtain a clearance to transit the airspace when traffic conditions permit, provided FAR 91.131 is met
    • Encouraged to operate above or below the airspace or transit VFR corridors making position reports on 122.750 MHz
  • Balance shortening your callsign vs. clarity when there can easily be multiple people using the same "number" or however it abbreviates
    • Example: Southern California with all of the military traffic "01" "22" etc.
  • Regardless of weather, pilots should not request a clearance to operate within Class B airspace unless the requirements of 14 CFR Section 91.215 and 14 CFR Section 91.131, 91.215, and 91.225 are met
  • Remember to comply with all noise abatement procedures, found in the Chart Supplement U.S.
  • ATC may, upon notification, immediately authorize a deviation from the altitude reporting equipment requirement; however, a request for a deviation from the 4096 transponder equipment requirement must be submitted to the controlling ATC facility at least one hour before the proposed operation. A request for a deviation from the ADS-B equipage requirement must be submitted using the FAA's automated web authorization tool at least one hour but not more than 24 hours before the proposed operation
  • See also:
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