Visual Flight Rules (VFR) concern the regulation associated with flight in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)
Visual Meteorological Conditions:
No person may operate an aircraft under basic VFR when the flight visibility is less, or at a distance from clouds that is less, than that prescribed for the corresponding altitude and class of airspace
Student pilots must comply with 14 CFR Section 61.89(a) (6) and (7)
Except as provided in 14 CFR Section 91.157, Special VFR Weather Minimums, no person may operate an aircraft beneath the ceiling under VFR within the lateral boundaries of controlled airspace designated to the surface for an airport when the ceiling is less than 1,000'. (See 14 CFR Section 1.155(c))
VFR Cloud Clearances:
Cloud clearances can be remembered with the memory aid: "152"
Cloud clearances can be remembered by the way you read a book
You read up and down (1000 ft above, 500 feet below
And horizontal (2000 ft horizontal
VFR Cruising Altitudes and Flight Levels:
VFR Cruising Altitudes and Flight Levels
VFR Cruising Altitudes [Figure 1] are established to reduce mid-air collisions by establishing cruise altitudes governed by FAR 91.159 which states:
Except while holding in a holding pattern of 2 minutes or less (see VFR Holding), or while turning, each person operating an aircraft under VFR in level cruising flight more than 3,000 feet above the surface shall maintain the appropriate altitude or flight level prescribed below, unless otherwise authorized by ATC:
When operating below 18,000 feet MSL and:
On a magnetic course of zero degrees through 179 degrees, any odd thousand foot MSL altitude + 500 feet (such as 3,500, 5,500, or 7,500); or
On a magnetic course of 180 degrees through 359 degrees, any even thousand foot MSL altitude + 500 feet (such as 4,500, 6,500, or 8,500)
When operating above 18,000 feet MSL, maintain the altitude or flight level assigned by ATC
IFR Cruising Altitudes can be found by referencing FAR 91.179
Memory Aids:
The 13 Colonies (an odd number) were on the east coast of the U.S.
Eastern states have odd shapes
NEODD SWEVEN: North East Odd, South West Even
Basic VFR Weather Minimums:
No person may operate VFR below the requirements for that class of airspace unless approved for special VFR
FAR 91.157 (Special VFR), allows aircraft to operate beneath the ceiling under VFR within the lateral boundaries of controlled airspace designated to the surface for an airport when the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet (See 14 CFR Section 91.155(c))
A high percentage of near midair collisions occur below 8,000' AGL and within 30 miles of an airport
Risk areas include channelizing terrain, sight-seating areas, or designated alert areas
When operating VFR in these highly congested areas, whether you intend to land at an airport within the area or are just flying through, it is recommended that extra vigilance be maintained and that you monitor an appropriate control frequency
Normally the appropriate frequency is an approach control frequency
By such monitoring action you can "get the picture" of the traffic in your area
When the approach controller has radar, radar traffic advisories may be given to VFR pilots upon request (Flight Following)
VFR Flights in Terminal Areas:
Use reasonable restraint in exercising the prerogative of VFR flight, especially in terminal areas
The weather minimums and distances from clouds are minimums
Giving yourself a greater margin in specific instances is just good judgment
Approach Area:
Conducting a VFR operation in a Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E surface area when the official visibility is 3 or 4 miles is not prohibited, but good judgment would dictate that you keep out of the approach area
Reduced Visibility:
It has always been recognized that precipitation reduces forward visibility
Consequently, although again it may be perfectly legal to cancel your IFR flight plan at any time you can proceed VFR, it is good practice, when precipitation is occurring, to continue IFR operation into a terminal area until you are reasonably close to your destination
Simulated Instrument Flights:
In conducting simulated instrument flights, be sure that the weather is good enough to compensate for the restricted visibility of the safety pilot and your greater concentration on your flight instruments
Give yourself a little greater margin when your flight plan lies in or near a busy airway or close to an airport
Follow IFR Procedures Even When Operating VFR:
Pilots are urged to practice IFR procedures whenever possible, even when operating VFR, to maintain IFR proficiency
Suggested IFR proficiency practices include:
Obtain a complete preflight briefing and check NOTAMs
Prior to every flight, pilots should gather all information vital to the nature of the flight
Pilots can receive a regulatory compliant briefing without contacting Flight Service
Pilots are encouraged to use automated resources and review AC 91-92, Pilot's Guide to a Preflight Briefing, for more information
NOTAMs are available online from the Federal NOTAM System (FNS) NOTAM Search website (, private vendors, or on request from Flight Service
File a flight plan
This is an excellent low cost insurance policy. The cost is the time it takes to fill it out. The insurance includes the knowledge that someone will be looking for you if you become overdue at your destination. Pilots can file flight plans either by using a website or by calling Flight Service. Flight planning applications are also available to file, activate, and close VFR flight plans
Use current charts
Use the navigation aids. Practice maintaining a good course-keep the needle centered
Maintain a constant altitude which is appropriate for the direction of flight
Estimate en route position times
Make accurate and frequent position reports to the FSSs along your route of flight
Simulated IFR flight is recommended (under the hood); however, pilots are cautioned to review and adhere to the requirements specified in 14 CFR Section 91.109 before and during such flight
When flying VFR at night, in addition to the altitude appropriate for the direction of flight, pilots should maintain an altitude which is at or above the minimum en route altitude as shown on charts
This is especially true in mountainous terrain, where there is usually very little ground reference
Do not depend on your eyes alone to avoid rising unlighted terrain, or even lighted obstructions such as TV towers
Required Equipment for VFR Operations:
Required equipment for VFR operations can be divided up into day, and night operations
Day operations can be remembered with the acronym TOMATO FLAMES while night operations include all those required for day with the addition of instruments remembered using the FLAPS acronym
In the event of failure of any light of the anticollision light system, operation of the aircraft may continue to a location where repairs or replacement can be made
If the aircraft is operated for hire over water and beyond power-off gliding distance from shore, approved flotation gear readily available to each occupant and, unless the aircraft is operating under part 121, at least one pyrotechnic signaling device
As used in this section, "shore" means that area of the land adjacent to the water which is above the high water mark and excludes land areas which are intermittently under water
An approved safety belt with an approved metal-to-metal latching device for each occupant 2 years of age or older
For small civil airplanes manufactured after July 18, 1978, an approved shoulder harness for each front seat
The shoulder harness must be designed to protect the occupant from serious head injury when the occupant experiences the ultimate inertia forces specified in FAR 23.561(b)(2)
Each shoulder harness installed at a flight crewmember station must permit the crewmember, when seated and with the safety belt and shoulder harness fastened, to perform all functions necessary for flight operations:
The date of manufacture of an airplane is the date the inspection acceptance records reflect that the airplane is complete and meets the FAA-approved type design data; and
A front seat is a seat located at a flight crewmember station or any seat located alongside such a seat
For normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes with a seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of 9 or less, manufactured after December 12, 1986, a shoulder harness for:
Each front seat that meets the requirements of FAR 23.785 (g) and (h) of this chapter in effect on December 12, 1985;
Each additional seat that meets the requirements of FAR 23.785(g) of this chapter in effect on December 12, 1985
For rotorcraft manufactured after September 16, 1992, a shoulder harness for each seat that meets the requirements of FAR 27.2 or FAR 29.2 of this chapter in effect on September 16, 1991
Night Operations:
Instruments and equipment specified above for day operations
Anticollision light systems initially installed after August 11, 1971, on aircraft for which a type certificate was issued or applied for before August 11, 1971, must at least meet the anti-collision light standards of FAR parts 23, 25, 27, or 29, as applicable, that were in effect on August 10, 1971, except that the color may be either aviation red or aviation white
In the event of failure of any light of the anti-collision light system, operations with the aircraft may be continued to a stop where repairs or replacement can be made
One spare set of fuses, or three spare fuses of each kind required, that are accessible to the pilot in flight
Requirements to operate VFR:
It is the responsibility of the pilot to ensure that ATC clearance or radio communication requirements are met prior to entry into Class B, Class C, or Class D airspace
The pilot retains this responsibility when receiving ATC radar advisories (See 14 CFR Part 91)
VFR-on-top allow pilots on an IFR flight plan to fly VFR altitudes, enabling pilots to chose their own altitude (avoid weather, for example), that may not be available if flying under the standard IFR flight plan
Must be requested by the pilot on an IFR flight plan, and if approved, in VFR, allows the pilot the choice to select an altitude or flight level in lieu of an assigned altitude
This permits a pilot to select an altitude or flight level of their choice
A pilot operating in VFR conditions may request to climb/descend in VFR conditions
Clearance to operate "VFR-on-top/VFR conditions" does not imply cancellation of the IFR flight plan
VFR-on-top is not permitted in certain airspace areas, such as Class A, certain restricted areas, etc.
Pilot assumes responsibility to be vigilant so as to see and avoid other aircraft
Comply with the VFR visibility and distance from cloud criteria in 91.155
Fly at the appropriate VFR altitude as prescribed by 91.159
Comply with instrument flight rules applicable (minimum altitudes, position reporting, communications, and adherence to ATC clearances)
Should advise ATC prior to any altitude change to ensure the exchange of accurate traffic information
VFR-on-Top Equipment Requirements:
No person may operate an airplane over-the-top or at night under VFR unless that airplane is equipped with the instruments and equipment required for IFR operations under 91.205(d) and one electric landing light for night operations
Each required instrument and item of equipment must be in operable equipment
VFR-on-Top Restrictions:
VFR-on-top is not permitted in certain airspace areas, such as Class A airspace, certain restricted areas, etc. Consequently, IFR flights operating VFR-on-top will avoid such airspace
If unable to maintain VFR, an IFR clearance must be requred
This clearance must be requested by the pilot on an IFR flight plan, and if approved, allows the pilot the choice (subject to any ATC restrictions) to select an altitude or flight level in lieu of an assigned altitude
NOTE: VFR-on-top is not permitted in certain airspace areas, such as Class A airspace, certain restricted areas, etc. Consequently, IFR flights operating VFR-on-top will avoid such airspace
By requesting a VFR-on-top clearance, the pilot assumes the sole responsibility to be vigilant so as to see and avoid other aircraft and to:
Fly at the appropriate VFR altitude as prescribed in 14 CFR Section 91.159
Comply with the VFR visibility and distance from clouds criteria in 14 CFR Section 91.155, Basic VFR Weather Minimums
Comply with instrument flight rules that are applicable to this flight; i.e., minimum IFR altitudes, position reporting, radio communications, course to be flown, adherence to ATC clearance, etc.
Should advise ATC prior to any altitude change to ensure the exchange of accurate traffic information
Controller Responsibilities:
May clear an aircraft to maintain VFR-on-top if the pilot of an aircraft on an IFR flight plan requests the clearance
Informs the pilot of an aircraft cleared to climb to VFR-on-top the reported height of the tops or that no top report is available; and once the aircraft reports reaching VFR-on-top, re-clears the aircraft to maintain VFR-on-top
Before issuing clearance, ascertain that the aircraft is not in or will not enter Class A airspace
VFR-Over-The-Top allows pilots on VFR flight plans to fly above the clouds
VFR-Over-The-Top is useful for climbing over weather or fog
It is always possible to get stuck above a cloud layer and, therefore, VFR-Over-The-Top should be reserved for when risk of becoming trapped is low or can be mitigated by picking up an IFR clearance
IFR-to-VFR Over the Top:
You can fly in great visibility above a layer of clouds, provided you have a safe way to get up and far more importantly, a safe way to get back down
Along the Pacific Coast, particularly in winter, there can be dense early morning fog with visibility less than 1/2 mile on the runway, but the fog layer tops out in bright sun only a thousand feet higher
Even the low coastal hills are above it all in clear air, as are all the inland airports
Closer to home, most, if not all, airports located in the bottom of a valley can experience the same thing, particularly after a nighttime temperature inversion
Instead of flying the whole flight on an IFR flight plan along assigned routes, you can file a flight plan for IFR to VFR-on-top
Instead of filing IFR, you file you file your flight plan IFR to VFR-on-top
You still go through all the complete instrument procedures of getting a clearance before you take off, reading it back, flying an assigned route or assigned departure procedure, squawking an assigned code on your transponder, and contacting a controller
You depart on an instrument flight just like any other instrument flight
The difference is that the instructions in your instrument clearance read something like "...departure frequency [Frequency], climb as filed to VFR-on-top, if not VFR by [Altitude], maintain [Altitude] and advise..."
Once you break out on top of the clouds, you can cancel IFR and fly VFR
Remember again that IFR flight is an entirely controlled procedure, while VFR flight outside the boundaries of an airport is uncontrolled
The same controller who was just telling you what to do is now only advising you
You cannot casually lapse back and forth from one to the other
The controller is going to remind you of this after you cancel IFR by instructing you to "Maintain VFR"
In fact, while the Instrument portion of the flight is handled by an air route traffic control center (called XYZ Center on the radio), the visual portion of the flight plan is on file with a Flight Service Station located somewhere else on a different frequency, (called ABC Radio)
In effect, you have two flight plans on file with two different groups of people, each of which needs to be activated and closed>
The Instrument flight plan opens automatically when you are cleared for takeoff
It closes when you tell a controller "cancel IFR"
The visual portion of the flight plan does not automatically activate
It activates when you call Flight Service and activate it, and closes when you call and close it
After you cancel IFR, you need to call a Flight Service radio - whose frequency is typically found on your sectional chart - and activate your VFR flight plan
Then you need to either close it by phone or radio when you land
If for some reason you don't break out of the clouds as expected, a second flight plan is used if you need an assigned routing to continue
Also, if you don't arrive at your destination, someone will come looking for you and they will know where to look
The NTSB determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be: The pilot's inadequate planning/decision, VFR into IMC, and his failure to maintain terrain clearance. Factors include mountainous terrain and instrument meteorological condition
The NTSB determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be: the pilot's disregard for an in-flight weather advisory, his likely encounter with marginal VFR or IMC weather conditions, his decision to continue flight into those conditions, and failure to maintain an adequate terrain clearance altitude resulting in an in-flight collision with trees and mountainous terrain
Visual Flight Rules Knowledge Quiz:
Pilot training requires instruction on how to handle VFR into IMC with the AOPA offering a syllabus to assist
Federal Aviation Regulations (91.205) Powered civil aircraft with standard category U.S. airworthiness certificates: Instrument and equipment requirements