Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Taxiing and Sailing
Lesson Plan





Taxiing and Sailing:
Review (quiz):
Case Studies:
Total Ground Time:

Required Materials:

  • Student Jacket, Paper & Pen or Marker & Whiteboard

Instructor Actions:

  • Discuss Waivers airman certification standards

Student Actions:

Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Taxiing and Sailing Airman Certification Standards:

Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Taxiing and Sailing Knowledge:

The applicant demonstrates understanding of:
  • CA.II.E.K1:

    Airport information resources, including Chart Supplements, airport diagram, and appropriate references.
  • CA.II.E.K2:

    Taxi instructions/clearances.
  • CA.II.E.K3:

    Airport/seaplane base markings, signs, and lights.
  • CA.II.E.K4:

    Visual indicators for wind.
  • CA.II.E.K5:

    Airplane lighting.
  • CA.II.E.K6:

    Procedures for:
    • CA.II.E.K6a:

      Appropriate flight deck activities during taxiing or sailing.
    • CA.II.E.K6b:

      Radio communications at towered and nontowered seaplane bases.

Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Taxiing and Sailing Risk Management:

The applicant is able to identify, assess, and mitigate risk associated with:
  • CA.II.E.R1:

    Activities and distractions.
  • CA.II.E.R2:

    Porpoising and skipping.
  • CA.II.E.R3:

    Low visibility taxi and sailing operations.
  • CA.II.E.R4:

    Other aircraft, vessels, and hazards.

Commercial Pilot (Airplane) Taxiing and Sailing Skills:

The applicant exhibits the skill to:
  • CA.II.E.S1:

    Receive and correctly read back clearances/instructions, if applicable.
  • CA.II.E.S2:

    Use an airport diagram or taxi chart during taxi, if published.
  • CA.II.E.S3:

    Comply with seaplane base/airport/taxiway markings, signals, and signs.
  • CA.II.E.S4:

    Depart the dock/mooring buoy or beach/ramp in a safe manner, considering wind, current, traffic, and hazards.
  • CA.II.E.S5:

    Complete the appropriate checklist(s).
  • CA.II.E.S6:

    Position the flight controls, flaps, doors, water rudders, and power correctly for the existing conditions to follow the desired course while sailing and to prevent or correct for porpoising and skipping during step taxi.
  • CA.II.E.S7:

    Exhibit procedures for steering and maneuvering while maintaining proper situational awareness and desired orientation, path, and position while taxiing using idle, plow, or step taxi technique, as appropriate.
  • CA.II.E.S8:

    Plan and follow the most favorable taxi or sailing course for current conditions.
  • CA.II.E.S9:

    Abide by right-of-way rules, maintain positive airplane control, proper speed, and separation between other aircraft, vessels, and persons.
  • CA.II.E.S10:

    Comply with applicable taxi elements in Task D if the practical test is conducted in an amphibious airplane.


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  • Advise students that this lesson will be used as a starting point for the next lesson
  • Assign study materials for the next lesson
