A mineral-based hydraulic fluid is the most widely used type for small aircraft
This type of hydraulic fluid, a kerosene-like petroleum product, has good lubricating properties, as well as additives to inhibit foaming and prevent the formation of corrosion
It is chemically stable, has very little viscosity change with temperature, and is dyed for identification
Since several types of hydraulic fluids are commonly used, an aircraft must be serviced with the type specified by the manufacturer
Hydraulic Pumps:
The hydraulic fluid is pumped through the system to an actuator or servo
Hydraulic Filters:
Filters are necessary to keep the fluid clean
Hydraulic Servos:
A servo is a cylinder with a piston inside that turns fluid power into work and creates the power needed to move an aircraft system or flight control
Servos can be either single-acting or double-acting, based on the needs of the system
This means that the fluid can be applied to one or both sides of the servo, depending on the servo type
A single-acting servo provides power in one direction
Hydraulic Selector Valves:
The selector valve allows the fluid direction to be controlled
This is necessary for operations such as the extension and retraction of landing gear during which the fluid must work in two different directions
Hydraulic Relief Valves:
The relief valve provides an outlet for the system in the event of excessive fluid pressure in the system
Forces exert equal pressure on system
Input smaller than output increases force
Pumps provide system pressure
Constant: pressure regulators control pressure
Pressure gauges provide a way to monitor the system
Relief valves return fluid to the reservoir
Check valves used for 1 way flow
Hydraulic Accumulators:
Accumulators provide shock absorption for 1 time use
Hydraulic Acutators:
Hydraulic actuators are the mechanical devices that translate hydraulic pressures into mechanical advantages
Private Pilot (Airplane) Operation of Aircraft Systems Airman Certification Standards:
Objective: To determine the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with safe operation of systems on the airplane provided for the flight test.